Pulling off a successful event can give you a real buzz, and leave you feeling like a rockstar, but it’s certainly not easy. When you’re planning an event, there are some important details you need to consider.
What is the purpose of your event?
It can be easy to lose track of your intentions when you are mid-planning, so it’s always useful to get this clear in your head to come back to when things seem tough. Think about who you want to attend, and what the end goal is. This will help when choosing a venue, entertainment, timing etc.
What about logistics?
Selling tickets and keeping track of attendees is something that you need to make as simple as possible on both sides because you can’t afford for it to go wrong. Using an events planner software can be a really great way to automate some of these processes and make it easy for you and your team to oversee.
How can I make it inclusive?
For many people, accessibility can be a bit of an afterthought, but for those people who live with a disability, it can be the difference between attending an event, and not being able to. Make sure your venue is accessible, and consider other things you can do to foster an inclusive environment for your attendees – for example, a straightforward change would be adding subtitles to any videos you show.
What can we afford?
Before you get carried away, it’s crucial to decide on your budget. Look at different options, depending on how many tickets you can sell, and how much of a profit you are hoping to make. Try to stick to this budget and manage expectations from the start.
What could go wrong?
Event planning can be stressful, but one way to make things run a little smoother is to consider different variables and outcomes and formulate a plan to deal with issues before they arise. If you’re running an outdoor event, consider a contingency plan in case the weather takes a turn. Have backups of all presentations, wires, batteries, etc., to ensure that technology doesn’t let you down at the last minute. Be prepared to think of your feet and be a little creative on the day – there will always be something that goes a little awry.
What would I want if I were an attendee?
Sometimes we can get so caught up in our vision for an event, that we don’t consider what things might be like for our attendees and what makes the event more enjoyable for them. Are you going to offer particular food and drink options? What about decor? Sometimes it’s the small touches that can make the entire experience something to remember. It can be nice to offer a freebie for attendees, and if you add your company or sponsors’ branding, this can be a great marketing opportunity.
Remember to take feedback and make your next event bigger and better.