Top States Costing You Your Brain Cells

    Ever question whether or not your go-to dealer is ripping you off? 

    Ever think that may be it’s not their fault?  Blame it on your current resident state! 
    It never crossed my mind either… Until recently, when Forbes, oddly not High Times, released a mapped out breakdown of how expensive your recreational activities really are.

    Maybe it is time you should pass on grass. Your dubies are seemingly a bigger investment than you realize…

    To be perfectly blunt with you (Haha, get it?) – The below map concludes that the average price of an ounce of high quality marijuana in all 50 states cost $324 per ounce.

    Getting high is no longer just a state of mind, but a financial burden to those poor hippies and slackers living in specific places.


    Top 4 Cheapest Places To Buy Your Marijuana

    #4 Alaska

    #3 Colorado

    #2 Washington

    #1 Oregon


    Top 3 Most Expensive Places To Buy Your Marijuana

    #3 Virginia

    #2 Vermont

    #1 North Dakota

    Basically, if you or someone you love lives in these states, it may be time to considering moving.



    • Tom La Vecchia

      Founder of New Theory & X Factor Media

      Founder and Publisher of New Theory Magazine and Podcast. Serial Entrepreneur who loves wine, cigars and anything that allows to people to connect and share experiences.

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