As you’re shopping for your Memorial Day Weekend BBQ, be on the lookout…chances are there will be a Veteran standing outside of your favorite store holding a handful of “Buddy Poppies”.
Here’s what you can do…stop, give a donation (no matter how small, pocket change is fine) and while you’re at it, thank them for their service. It’s because of worthwhile campaigns like this, the VFW is able to provide financial assistance in maintaining state and national veterans’ rehabilitation and service programs.
And if you don’t know the rich and symbolic history of the Buddy Poppy, here’s the Top 3 Reasons to Get a Poppy Memorial Day Weekend…
#3. As VFW’s official memorial flower, the Poppy represents the blood shed by American service members.
It reiterates that VFW will not forget their sacrifices…and neither will we.
#2. To this day, VFW pays the disabled veteran to assemble the poppies.
In most cases, this extra money provides additional income for the worker to pay for the little luxuries, which make hospital life more tolerable. In addition, Poppy assembly is often used as a therapy program to provide exercise for fingers and hands crippled by wounds, disease and the effects of old age.
#1. No one is ever denied a Poppy because they are unable to contribute.
It’s truly all about veterans helping veterans and living up to VFW’s motto of “Honor the Dead by Helping the Living.”
Photos – Shutterstock