“Now I’m Four Five Seconds from wildin’
And we got three more days ’til Friday
I’m just tryna make it back home by Monday, mornin’
I swear I wish somebody would tell me
Ooh that’s all I want.”
The FourFive Seconds songstress is currently climbing the charts since debuting her collaboration with legendary Beatle, Paul McCartney, and controversial stage bomber, Kanye West. I must admit, she always delivers a catchy hook that is impossible to remove from your head. Catchy or not, the repetition and over playing of her every Billboard Hit, leaves me developing an everlasting hatred for the exclusive phrases and unique objects that have established her very success and secured her empress status in the music industry. Rihanna is on her way to making me despise four, five second intervals, and I just simply never thought that could be possible.
Here are the Top 5 Things Rihanna Has Made Me Forever Hold a Grudge…
5) Falling in Love in Hopeless Places

“Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we’re standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
What it takes to come alive
It’s the way I’m feeling I just can’t deny
But I’ve gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place”
Seriously, if one more girl makes this the caption of her FB relationship status, I’m finding a true hopeless place all right, the nearest bridge.
Ps. Calvin Harris, you could do better than this!
4) Rude Boys

“Come here
Rude boy, boy
Can you get it up
Come here
Rude boy, boy
Is you big enough
Take it, take it
Baby, baby
Take it, take it
Love me
Love me”
This isn’t even just the chorus, it’s the intro verse too. It’s like they didn’t even attempt on this one.
But on the other hand, I mean, I guess she is right. Erectile dysfunction is no one’s friend. I’ll give her a pass…
3) Diamonds

“So shine bright, tonight you and I
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky”
I do appreciate all the memes that came out of this gem though…pun intended. Not to mention all of the ladies who post their selfies with this tagline…Priceless, just like rare diamonds.
“Come and put your name on it
Put your name on it
Come and put your name on it
Your name
Bet you wanna put your name on it
Put your name on it
Come and put your name on it
It’s not even my birthday
But he want to lick the icing off
I know you want it in the worst way
Can’t wait to blow my candles out
He want that cake, cake,
Cake, cake, cake, cake, cake
Cake, cake, cake, cake, cake
Cake, cake, cake
Ooh baby, I like it
You so excited
Don’t try to hide it
I’mma make you my bitch
Cake, cake, cake, cake
Cake, cake, cake, cake
Cake, cake, cake, cake
Cake, cake, cake”
Really Rihanna? You ruined cake…How could you? I don’t want my name on it thank you very much. I’m so over this birthday it is ridiculous.
1) Umbrellas

“When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I’d be here forever
Said I’ll always be a friend
Took an oath I’ma stick it out ’til the end
Now that it’s raining more than ever
Know that we’ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)”
In all fairness, I think I hate “ellas” more than the actual umbrella… Umbrellas have been proven to be a useful tool and offer shelter from the storm, but at this point a little rain ain’t ever hurt nobody. I’m done.
Can someone just write her a song where she stops repeating random stuff?
Yeah, Thanks!