For most new mums, establishing a workout routine after giving birth is at the bottom of the priority list. Between changing messy diapers, feeding, and battling with a lack of sleep, you may find it hard to secure the time. However, exercise can make you feel more rejuvenated and energetic, making it a worthwhile pursuit.
For mothers who underwent a C-section or experienced complications during birth, it’s prudent to ask your doctor if exercise is safe for you at the moment. If you had a natural birth, then in most cases, you can start exercising about six weeks after you give birth.
Once you’re ready to get started, here are five easy yet effective ways to fit in workouts:
1. Dress Comfortably for Exercise
There’s something about comfortable gym pants and the right nursing sports bra that makes you want to exercise and get in shape. Although you should never try exercises that you are unfamiliar with (especially after just giving birth), wearing comfortable clothes is a great first step. Psychologically, if you are dressed comfortably for exercise, then you’re most likely to actually feel psyched about it.
A nursing sports bra is easy to put on, it’ll keep the girls in place while you exercise, and you can feed your baby immediately after you cool down. In fact, many new mothers find their nursing sports bras so practical and comfortable that they live in them, even on rest days!
2. Focus On Less Impactful Exercise
If you don’t feel like joining a fitness class, get some basic exercises into your routine. You could start by taking a few minutes of your day to just walk or stretch. Walking is in itself a form of exercise and can help you to clear your head as well.
If you’re feeling brave, you can try to climb up and down a flight of stairs. Stairs may prove to be burdensome at first for mums who have undergone a C-section but will work wonders as a simple form of home exercise.
3. Listen to Your Body
Your body will guide you, so listen to it well. If you feel like you’re overdoing it, take this as your cue to slow down or stop.
While you may have done some intense cardio sessions prior to giving birth, you should listen to your body postpartum to make sure that you’re not over-exerting yourself.
It’s a good idea to start with more meditative exercise forms such as yoga or Pilates. You may not be able to do all the poses at first, so consider finding a qualified instructor to advise you on the best ones for your body right now.
4. Pelvic Exercises
One of the main things you must include in your exercise routine is pelvic exercises. This is essential as pregnancy and the act of giving birth can put a strain on this area of your body. Kegels and other pelvic floor exercises are a great way to strengthen these vital muscles again.
5. Water Aerobics
This is a milder form of exercise that doesn’t require much strain. It is a soothing and feel-good activity too. Make sure to join a water aerobics class if you are looking to escape the confines of your home for an hour or so to get in your daily exercise.
Fitting in some exercise is not that difficult if you set your mind to it. We hope these tips will encourage you to whip out those leggings and start busting a move.