Studies claim that the practice of divination dates back to prehistoric times, that is, the origins of mankind. The divinatory arts bring together a large number of disciplines. In the past, they were used in medicine, and sometimes in politics. Currently, we are mainly turning to those who practice them to get a prediction about our future.
The art of divination refers to the practice of revealing unknown elements about a person’s past, present or future. It can be based on an innate capacity, an initiated technique or any knowledge of a recognized parascientific discipline.
The first traces of the art of divination date back to the Mesopotamian Era. The discovery of numerous pictorial elements dating from this period attests to this. As for the first written proof, it comes from the time of Ancient Greece, this period is also known to be the one during which the Pythia of Delphi delivered her predictions.
This priestess of the temple of Apollo was renowned throughout the country for her prophecies which always proved to be correct. More generally, the divinatory arts have always been practiced in all continents and in all civilizations. What are the different types of divinatory art?
Nearly sixty divinatory arts are currently listed (mediumship, numerology, black magic, witchcraft, necromancy, dowsing, etc.). The medium used varies from one discipline to another. It can for example be stars, oracles, tarots, crystal balls, coffee grounds, etc. Here are the most notorious disciplines in the art of divination:
Clairvoyance is at the very heart of the divinatory arts. According to traditions, seers are considered prophets, magicians or fortune tellers. In all cases, they have one thing in common: the gift of seeing what is imperceptible to the naked eye. Concretely, clairvoyance therefore refers to the ability for a person to access the invisible world.
Fortune telling
Cartomancy is a divinatory art which consists in guessing the past, the present or the future of a person starting from a drawing of cards. It should be noted that the fortune-teller is able to make predictions using any deck of cards. It is therefore necessary to distinguish this discipline from tarology. The latter corresponds to the science of the game of divination called tarot. Likewise, fortune telling is different from taromancy. Visit for more information on the subject of Tarot reading.
Astrology is a discipline that refers to the art of predicting the future based on the comparison of a person’s birth chart and movements in the sky. It also makes it possible to describe the character of a given individual. To be as precise as possible, the astrologer needs the place and date of birth. In Western astrology, all of the planets in the solar system are taken into account.
Palmistry is a divinatory art which consists in reading the lines of the hand. This discipline is based on the principle according to which the hand of an individual represents a card which allows to define his life and his personality. A palmist’s interpretations are based on which hand a person uses the most. For example, if she is left-handed, her left hand will be chosen by the practitioner. The other hand is not, however, devoid of interest. Indeed, the left hand allows us to know the past, while the right hand is used to read the future.
Photo by petr sidorov