Rescue Treats are a unique and innovative dog treat product created by veterinarian-recommended pet food company in the United States. These treats provide your furry friends with a number of health benefits including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids that can improve their overall wellbeing. What sets these treats apart from other products is that they have been specially designed for senior dogs who may need extra support for their changing dietary needs. With Rescue Treats you can ensure your beloved pooch is getting all the nutrition they need in one tasty snack!
The texture of Rescue Treats is soft and chewy which make them easy to eat. They also come in five different flavors – chicken, beef, pork, salmon and lamb – so there’s something to satisfy every pup’s taste buds! The ingredients used are premium quality and sourced from reliable suppliers around the world ensuring only the best goes into each bag. The treats are made without any artificial colors or preservatives meaning they’re healthy as well as delicious. Not only this but they’re low calorie too so owners don’t need to worry about overfeeding their pets when giving them these snacks as rewards throughout the day.
When it comes to nutritional value Rescue Treats really stand out from other pet treat options on the market today thanks to all of those added vitamins and minerals mentioned before. Your canine companion will get an antioxidant boost plus key nutrients like zinc which helps promote a healthy immune system while choline works towards improving cognitive function; both highly beneficial qualities especially when feeding senior animals who may be more prone to certain ailments due age-related factors such as arthritis or poor eyesight/hearing levels etc.. Other great additions include natural sources of fiber promoting digestive regularity along with proteins for muscle development – wonderful if you have an older fur baby whose activity levels have decreased over time due reduced mobility issues etc.. Lastly omega 3 fatty acids act as anti-inflammatories helping maintain joint pain at bay along with aiding many other related functions that could otherwise affect our beloved seniors’ daily lives negatively long term speaking .
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Overall we think Rescue Treats offer amazing value for money given how nutrient dense yet low calorie these snacks actually are; not just good looking either since pooches seem enjoy munching away contentedly whenever rewarded one of these tasty morsels during playtime or training sessions etc.. If you want give your ageing pup something special then definitely check out this range provided you follow instructions indicated packaging correctly course … After all making sure our four legged family members eat right important thing do whatever stage life might find ourselves …
Check out Rescue Treats here: