How to Pack a Cooler for Camping

    Holidays on? Planning for camping or a vacation? Ahh, sounds great! Well, a lot of people out there often confuses between vacations and camping. When you fly to New- York, first you think about what to wear, what to shop etc and you don’t think much about food until you reach there. But whenever the “Camping” strikes our ears, the first thing about the meals you’ll enjoy while relaxing in the lap of nature.

    Packing a cooler for camping keeps frozen items from thawing as well as keeps the food perishable. But what are the correct steps or methods to pack it? Today, we are going to discuss that only and finding the best camping cooler to feet your needs. So, without wasting much time, let’s get started

    Step 1. Start with a cool cooler

    if your cooler is in backyard sun or in any other warm conditions, brink back it indoors. Before even you start to pack, fill it well with ice and leave it for some hours.

    Step 2. Pre-chill all of the items

    The working of a cooler depends upon balance. You must have observed that the temperature down somewhere in the middle if you put some ice to the warm glass of water. The same theory goes for coolers as well.

    Before packing the cooler for the weekend camping trip, it’s important to pre- refrigerate the items you wanna carry over there carrying n your easy to carry cooler. The colder the items you put into, the longer the “Chill” will last.

    In addition to this, it’s a good idea if you put on some already chopped food such as watermelon, vegetables for foil packet meals, meat for kabobs, etc. It will be your ready to serve food, means you need not to spend much time preparing it. It will also reduce waste at the campsite and will take much smaller space in the cooler.

    Step 3. Place ice at the bottom of the cooler

    As we know, ice melts faster when exposed in open air. So, it’s better to keep the ice in at the bottom of the cooler and do not forget to keep the shape of the ice in the block form rather than ice cubes.

    The ice blocks fit the bottom surface properly and you can easily find them at gas stations or convenience stores.

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    Step 4. Place frozen food on top of the ice layer

     The freezer layer of the ice is going to help you much keeping the food refreshed for a longer period of time.

    Step 5. Separate layers to preserve temperatures and prevent freezer burn

    Take a thin layer of towel and (somewhat insulating) and lay it over the frozen food section to separate the contents. Now place the items you need to be chilled out above the towel.

    If there is still some place left over there at the top of the towel, put another towel, more cold food, or flexible ice packs. Also, make sure there are no air voids there and try to reduce the vacant space, whenever it is possible.

    Step 7. Keep your cooler in the shade and closed whenever possible

    Go for a smaller cooler for items you retrieve often, like water and sodas. This technique will keep your eatables as well as perishable items colder for even longer.

    Time to wrap up

    So, guys, this was the quick guide to know how to pack cooler for camping. You can take a look at the camping cooler reviews before purchasing a camping cooler. Along with these points, you must have to take care of the containers also that you will use to transport food items.

    Our suggestion is to go for Sealed Ziploc bags as they don’t take much space and also doesn’t leak. But still, if you want to go for containers, go for those which aren’t filled to the brim as this takes much space. Apart from these, below are some of the things you should remember about the containers:

    • Test lids to make ensure they are leak-proof.
    • Choose a good quality container to store the eatables.

    What are your views considering these above mentioned depicted steps?  By the way, we forgot to ask, where are you going for the camping on the coming weekend? Let us know in the comment section below. We would love to hear your plans. Happy Camping!


    • Tom La Vecchia

      Founder of New Theory & X Factor Media

      Founder and Publisher of New Theory Magazine and Podcast. Serial Entrepreneur who loves wine, cigars and anything that allows to people to connect and share experiences.

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