How to leverage influencer marketing for your brand

    The retail sector is very competitive and every brand is looking for new and innovative ways to edge out their competition so as to acquire new customers and boost their sales. Studies indicate that Influencer marketing has been deemed to create six times return on investments (ROI) than other traditional methods of marketing.

    Influencer marketing is aimed at growing your business and it should be done the right way to get maximum results. To do this you need to consider the following effective ways to promote your retail brand.

    • Offer potential customers discount codes

    This involves giving coupon codes to your influencers and asking them to share on their sponsored contents so that their audiences may see your promotional items. This is one of the most effective ways to guarantee conversions that may lead to sales. It allows you to tap into the market of your influencer’s audience and encourage them to buy items from you. This strategy is fail-proof and ensures both you and your target influencer wins. Influencers give out items to their followers increasing loyalty and still earn commissions from their purchases. On the other hand, you get more revenue for your brand due to increased awareness.

    • Sharing affiliated links with influencers

    You can make it easy for influencers to promote your products by creating an affiliate link and asking your influencers to share them with their audiences. These links work the same way as coupon codes because they allow the influencer to earn a commission from any link clicked that leads to a sale. They also increase your brand’s visibility by driving traffic to your product pages. To ensure that this strategy works, you should combine your link with a product review from your influencer. This will encourage your influencer’s followers to buy your product.  

    • Use social proof to increase your brands’ awareness

    You need to make your brand credible over other competitive brands. One sure way is to include user testimony on your landing pages. Ask influencers to promote your products to their followers who are most likely to reciprocate favorably towards your brand’s promotion. Grin encourages the use of influencer testimonies of your promotional products on your active social media platforms multiple times if necessary.  

    • Extend invites to your influencers to attend your events

    The next time you are launching a new product or celebrating the success of your brand, ensure that your influencers are present. This can be used to gain publicity especially if your influencer takes photos and videos to share the experience with their audiences. This will definitely increase good relations between you and your influencers on top of giving you the much-desired media coverage. Influencers can be more interested in your promotional campaigns when they feel valued; therefore ensure they have special treatments when hosting such events. 

    • Consider social media takeover by your influencers

    What this means is granting access to your influencers to manage and create engaging posts on your social media accounts. To get heat from this bold strategy, ensure that you give it as much publicity as you can. Let all your followers know that your influencer is now vested in your brand and will be making related posts on your companies social media pages on your behalf. This ingenious idea will generate direct leads from the traffic you acquire. For this strategy to work, you will need to let your influencers get creative with their posts and allow them to use different techniques to promote your products. 

    This allows them to develop their personalities on your social media platforms which will encourage post engagements via comments and questions, increasing the personal touch needed to convert loyal followers into leads. 

    Final thoughts

    There are other ways that influencers can make your brand more visible and generate genuine recommendations and reviews that drive traffic leading to sales. However, you need to choose influencer marketers that are related to your niche otherwise their followers will not be relevant to your retail business. Regardless of the amount and time, you spend on the campaign, if you partner with the wrong influencer you will never have a successful marketing campaign. 


    • Tom La Vecchia

      Founder of New Theory & X Factor Media

      Founder and Publisher of New Theory Magazine and Podcast. Serial Entrepreneur who loves wine, cigars and anything that allows to people to connect and share experiences.

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