With the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, all professions whose work can be done remotely have been switched to “home mode.” The marketer is the most popular job among remote professionals, with only a fraction of them freelancing, most being on the payroll.
Why is it so convenient to be a remote marketer? Because the main task is to sell the product: to analyze the demand for the product, increase it and develop a marketing campaign to promote the product. All this can be done online.
How to work effectively on self-isolation and get a foothold in a distant work after the end of special mode? In times of crisis, this is the most pressing question for marketers who choose to work in a “home office” format on a permanent basis.
Include self-motivation
A marketer’s income depends solely on himself. Usually, it’s a small fixed amount to which a percentage of sales is added. Therefore, the level of earnings is determined only by your motivation. The higher the level of sales, the higher your payment – you get money for the result. This is an opportunity to regulate your own work and get a good income. Despite the crisis, the profession is in demand, it is during a market downturn that the services of marketers are needed the most. If you are constantly learning and developing in your field, follow trends, and have a portfolio of successful projects, then you are a true professional and will not be out of work.
Make a clear schedule
The advantage of working remotely is that you decide how to run your business, determine your own schedule and control the process like regular passing of COVID tests. Remember that productivity does not depend on the amount of time spent, but on its proper distribution and concentration on tasks. Agree with your employer on the order of work, what hours you are on call and when it is better not to disturb you. For example, spend the first part of the day negotiating with colleagues or a customer, discussing and approving projects, and the second part of the day working when you should not be disturbed. Choose one channel of communication where you can always be found on urgent matters. Designate boundaries: times when you are completely unavailable for work matters: for example, from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Keep in constant communication
When you and your colleagues do not see you offline, they can have the impression that you do not exist, no one controls your work and there is no opportunity to discuss important issues in person. So make it a habit to remind yourself, periodically send reports on your work at each stage of the project, and conduct weekly meetings and brainstorming sessions online so that tasks are completed faster. It’s the same with clients: so they don’t get the impression that the money went down the drain while the project isn’t getting done, send them interim results, ask questions, and offer advice, showing your expertise.
Automate your work
Any company has online systems and applications in place to monitor and manage the business. For example, Trello – there are plenty of them, and they’re like big brother, making sure all tasks are done on time. Either they connect you to the system, as they do in all serious structured organizations, or ask to add you to the list of employees because otherwise tasks will be forgotten, deadlines will fly off, and chaos will form in your work.
If you’ve only dreamed of moving to a remote job before, self-isolation mode has left you no choice. Working remotely as a marketer, you can find clients and employers anywhere in the world. Your opportunities are not limited, if you want you can lead several projects at once in different cities and countries.
Main Photo by Vlada Karpovich