How do you decide what you should and shouldn’t spend your money on?
What influences your financial decision making?
Better yet, where exactly is your money going?
These are some very important questions as your embark on establishing a life for yourself- and each question is thoroughly explored in the newly raved about book and recent Amazon Best Seller, Do You Know Where Your Money Is, written by Holly Nicholas Signorelli, CPA.
Holly Signorelli stands out from the crowd in a predominantly male driven industry. Aside from being a blonde bombshell in a sea of maturing gentlemen, her grace, elegance and poise is never compromised with her books reigning as a true testament accompanying her financial expertise. Most individuals, whether they own up to it or not, still associate money and power with that of masculine traits. However, fierce Holly flips the switch as she emerges from such predecessors as female gurus, Georgette Mosbacher and Suze Oreman, in the financial realm. Women especially are drawn to seeking advice from someone just like Holly because they can relate to her perfect blend of southern Texan charm and cosmopolitan flair- all ingredients guaranteed to solidify her as a force to be reckoned with.
Do You Know Where Your Money Is quickly received immediate attention from the public with extended reach driving its success. It continues to rise in the ranks of the well-respective self-help category on Amazon. Signorelli has coined the name “The Money Therapist”- and with good reason! She has 26 years of experience in the financial world and is the current owner of a prosperous boutique firm serving high net worth businesses in the distribution, entertainment, medical and real estate marketplaces.
In this 92 page financial guide, Signorelli offers her insight on the nine emotions accredited in influencing people to abundantly overspend, create unideal scenarios, and essentially leading them to overflowing debt. No one is immune to financial burdens and poor decision making. Holly recognizes the patterns of spenders and provides the step by step solutions that may just conquer an individual’s self-inflicted money responsibilities and catapult them back into a financially free lifestyle. It’s all about changing one’s perceptions about money and identifying the emotional factors that ultimately dictate how one chooses to apply their spending habits.
If you are on the business end of the spectrum, it’s all about survival. Financial and legal complexities of starting a new business leads too many people to give up before they even start. With the help of a trusting CPA, an inexperienced owner or entrepreneur needs to understand the tools necessary to structure a small business. America runs on the idea behind small businesses as a staple for economic circulation. Small businesses, mom & pop shops, as well as people who still believe in the fundamentals of the America dream can all benefit from Holly’s prowess. This book represents just that simply by highlighting the habits that get in your own way for building a better business.
“I’m on a mission to change the survival rate of small business in America. By getting you the financial and legal knowledge you need to make it.” Holly Signorelli, CPA.
If you have ever found yourself in economic crisis, worrying about how you are going to be able to afford the basics, or if you are trying to evolve, develop and grow your bank account or business in order to ease financial stresses, Holly’s self-published best seller, Do You Know Where Your Money Is, is promised to deliver an enlightening experience.
Pick Up Your Copy Available on Amazon Today Here!
For more information on Money Therapist Holly Signorelli, visit
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- Articles for accounting related issues, debts and spending.
- How to budget your favorite shoes.
- The Money Diet (TM) The full review of your income and expenses to reallocate your spending, pay off debts and start building your future.
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