Keeping kids entertained can be a full-time job. It can be challenging to come up with fresh ideas that inspire creativity while keeping children engaged. Finding projects that don’t require too much adult supervision or create a huge mess adds another layer of complexity to keeping kids busy.
While most people tend to think chalk can only be used for drawing, it is a surprisingly versatile medium for creating. Here are some fun boredom busting activities you and your children can do with chalk.
Chalk Dolls
Remember when paper dolls were a way to stay busy for hours at a time? You cut out or created clothing, and folded the tabs over your cut-out doll to dress them. The same concept applies with chalk dolls, on a much larger scale.
Have your child lay on a cement walkway or paved driveway and trace their body. Alternatively, help them create multiple silhouettes for a chalk doll family. They can draw faces and hair if they wish, or just keep the outline. Then, use old clothes (maybe things they have recently outgrown) to dress their chalk dolls. It’s a fun activity for your child as they get to use their imagination to come up with outfit ideas. It’s a fun activity for you to see their unique flair for fashion.
Chalk Scavenger Hunt
For a great outdoor activity, create a scavenger hunt using chalk. There are a few ways you can go about this. The first option is to write down the items your child must find. Draw a circle for them to place the object in once they’ve found them.
Another option is a little more involved, but lots of fun for older kids. Using chalk, write clues on rocks and hide them around the yard. Each clue should lead to the next rock. This activity will keep your children active while helping them develop social and problem-solving skills.
Welcome Signs
Let your child be in charge of creating welcome signs for your home. Have a removable chalkboard hanging in your entryway, so that your child can keep it updated with greetings and seasonal messages. Your child will feel important for being able to contribute to a main decor focal point, and you’ll get to enjoy ever-changing messages and drawings. This will also limit the amount of artwork stuck to your fridge.
If your child really enjoys this activity, head to Versachalk and invest in some chalkboard markers. The blend of traditional chalk and the vibrant ink will really make your child’s artwork pop.
Chalk Maze or Board Game
Create a maze for your children using chalk. It will be just like completing a maze with a pencil crayon in an activity book, only instead of drawing the path through the maze, your children will walk it themselves.
To take things up a notch, create a large board game for them and have them act as the play pieces. You can add activities to each space to keep them entertained for hours. The best part of these activities is that once your child knows how the maze or game works, they’ll want to create one of their own. This is a great way to keep multiple children entertained.
Make Ice Chalk
What better way to beat the heat by creating art using ice? Grind your chalk into some water, stir, and freeze in ice cubes. Alternatively, you can make your own chalk using plaster of Paris and powdered paint. Take your ice chalk outside and arrange it as you wish. When it melts, it will leave the color behind, creating a beautiful piece of art.
If you’re looking for a more intriguing approach to playing with ice chalk, have melting races, or layer your cubes with different colors.
The next time you’re at the craft store, don’t bypass chalk in favor of paint and glitter glue. There are countless activities your kids can do with chalk, no matter what their age. If nothing else, the clean up is a breeze!