The best part about the 80’s is that it is somewhat reflective of today’s society. When you watch movies like “Hot Tub Time Machine”, where the characters are transported back to the decade of bright fluorescent clothing, annoying pop music, mixed with a self-righteous, yuppie mentality, you pretty much don’t even realize it was a flashback sequence. Of course there are subtle differences that we simply cannot ignore, like the ridiculous movie plots of our cult-classic favorites.
For instance, Karate Kid– You mean to tell me that his mom didn’t have a problem with the old/wise, Asian repairman buying him a new car for seeming no reason? Or that he came home from his place every night soar? I’m not saying…but I’m saying. Ya’ feel me? My parents would have questions is all.
The 80’s were a time where people just acted like everything out of the norm, was normal- much like today! And although these plot lines were a bit far fetched, everyone wanted their life to be like a John Hughes film.
The memories from the 80’s are certainly standing the test of time, so we celebrate!
Because we love the 80’s.
And we love Memes.
Top 13: 80’s Memes
#13 What Happens When Wires Cross
#12 I Pity The Fool
#11 Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads…
#10 The Prophecy
#9 When Young Men Were Suckers For Love
#7 Thank Goodness There Are No Weird Style Trends For Men Now…
#6 Nothing Wrong With Covering Your Bases
#5 Sound Familiar?
#4 Problem Solving and Gang Violence
#3 High School Was A Nightmare Even If You Were In The Breakfast Club
#2 It’s Not His Fault He’s White
#1 Zack Attack Forever
(Although, most people acknowledge this as 90’s gold, the Miss Bliss years began in 87′ – so this counts!)