I think it’s safe to say that social media has become the millennial culture’s version of digital church. For some reason, Twitter, which was designed to give us a platform to simply connect with others all over the world, has now turned into the place to preach our opinions, somewhat shamelessly, with just the click of a button. Let’s take a minute to recognize some of these ‘Twitter-pastors’ who have chosen to publicly proclaim some pretty hilarious, but not so far off, truths:
I’m really glad it was Burger King that came out with Hot Dogs and not McDonalds… I could never order a McWiener. #FunnyButTrue
— 4Livs (@4Livs) March 24, 2016
People make gofundme’s for everything. Wanna take a trip? Gofundme. Need new socks? Gofundme. Out of ketchup? You know what to do.
— KristiAnna Dickerson (@kristianna_8) March 29, 2016
Pet peeve…Toilets that flush 4 me the moment I stand. I’d like to see the work I’ve done before it’s violently ripped from my view. #SMH
— lOUIS NIX III (@1irishchocolate) January 24, 2013
I have enough money to last me for the rest of my life…
Unless, of course, I want to buy something.
— DJ Darrell Ripley© (@djdarrellripley) March 23, 2016
The worst thing social media has done is make all of us think that our lives are so interesting that we need to share them with everyone.
— andy lassner (@andylassner) March 19, 2016
I just want America to be great again by changing the flavor of the green skittle from green apple back to lime
— Mattzilla (@mattZillaaaa) March 26, 2016
I just unfollowed someone for tweeting “macaroni and cheese sucks” I’m not fucking around today.
— God (@tweetIikeagod) March 30, 2016
I already have “post notifications” it’s called a group chat with seven females ????????????????
— Michelle (@Michelle__hart_) March 28, 2016
Think of everything I'd achieve if I spent half of my day NOT swiping on a dating app. Pay bills on time, cook dinner, become an astronaut..
— NYC BLONDE (@NYC_Blonde) December 22, 2015
attn people with ability to hire me:
do not follow me.
there is nothing for you here.
— Corey Kindberg (@coreykindberg) October 5, 2015
Is there anything skinnier than eating a burger on a lettuce wrap instead of a bun? Like probably, but nothing that I do personally.
— Gena Kaufman (@GenaKaufman) March 16, 2016
I want someone to look at me the way DJ Khaled looks at plants
— carly aquilino (@carlyaquilino) December 29, 2015