We all know that buying gifts for anybody can be stressful.
However, if you’re buying a gift for your girlfriend, it can particularly feel like you’re walking through a landmine.
There’s the fear of getting her something she hates, getting her something she already has, or, getting her something that sends the wrong message.
But, while there are some pitfalls to avoid, the art of giving your girlfriend a great gift isn’t really as complicated as it’s made out to be. As long as you’ve got some know-how, buying the right gift is actually fairly straightforward.
Read on to learn the top 7 tips for buying a gift for your girlfriend.
- Check Out Her Social Media
We don’t mean you should go snooping into her DMs.
However, some light social media “creeping” can really help with finding the perfect gift.
One of the best places to start is usually pinterest, as there’s a good chance she’s pinned a lot of stuff she wants but hasn’t told anyone about. You can also check out her Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account to see if she’s raved about any products lately or mentioned needing something new.
If she has, go for one of those!
- Think About What She Needs
There’s an age old rule that says that you should never get someone a gift they need, only something they want. This is true to a certain extent, however, you don’t need to adhere to it too strictly.
Try to think of not things your girlfriend needs, but about things that would make her life easier. For example, is she always complaining about how cold she is? Then a big warm fuzzy blanket in her favorite color would be a great gift.
Is her phone battery always dying when she’s out? A portable phone charger would be something she’d love. Is she always late? Maybe some couple watches, his and her watches, would be a great idea.
Of course, these things don’t need to be the main gift. But small additions link these show you’re really paying attention to her needs.
- Check Out What She Already Has
This one may seem obvious. However, it’s a tip that so many often overlook.
Next time you’re at your girlfriend’s place, take a quick look through her things. Maybe she has a ton of makeup lying around in the bathroom. If so, a makeup bag to keep it all organized would be a great idea.
Or, maybe her laptop is at her side 24/7. If this is the case, you could get her a laptop case or some cool decals that reflect her interests. For example, if she’s a huge Harry Potter nerd, you get get her one that says a famous quote from the books.
4. Think About Your Own Talents
The talents you possess is one of the reasons your girlfriend fell for you in the first place. So don’t be afraid to use them to your advantage in order to give a great gift!
For example, let’s say you’re an artist. You could paint a picture of her favorite place or her favorite travel destination. Or, let’s say you’ve got some video making and editing skills. You could put together a short video of your favorite memories together.
Using your talents to create something original speaks volumes to how much you care, so don’t be afraid to make use of the talents you’ve got.
5. Reflect on How You Spend Your Time Together
When you and your girl are hanging out, what’s your typical go-to activity?
Maybe you’re both big into game nights. If so, you could buy a couple fun board games you could both enjoy together. Or, maybe you love to spend the weekends camping and hiking. Then maybe you’d want to buy her a new hiking backpack or one of those high-end food coolers.
Whatever it is, just make sure it falls into the category of something she truly loves to do, and not just something she does because she knows you love it.
6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
While you should never ask your girlfriend directly what she wants, as this spoils the magic of the surprise, it doesn’t hurt to ask those who are close to her.
Yank her friends and family for both advice and approval on the perfect gift. You may get lucky and there could be a chance she flat out told one of them something she wants.
7. Add in Some Humor
Everyone loves opening a gift that makes them laugh, even if it’s Something they can never use.
So, think about things you and your girlfriend have joked around about before or a funny situation that happened.
For example, maybe you always joke about the same terrible TV show you both love to trash talk about. Get her a poster of one of the main characters as a joke.
Using humor as a part of your gifts will show her that you cherish these happy moments just as much as she does.
As you can see, buying a gift for a girlfriend isn’t some strange mystery. So go do your detective work and then get shopping!