At this point, we are far beyond the line when it is completely normal for a group of familiar people to be together, have fun and all of that while looking at their phone screens and not uttering a single word… We are living in times of alienation. Completely detached from the great outdoors and all the possible “Wow” moments that awaits around every hill just from the simple observing. All of that everyday stress that we endure from the modern way of life made millions of eager hikers head off for the serenity of nature and no one wants to go there unequipped. So, what would you even need to enjoy the simplicity and unbelievable beauty of mother nature?
A Far Cry for Outdoors
Hovering tents, solar panels on our backpacks, night vision goggles for kids… That is what present-day outdoor gear business looks like. But the funny thing is how we tend to forget that hiking as the activity was initially implemented as a social activity via aristocratic echelons.
They would go cross-country with their extravagant followers and snob manners and of course amaze their minds with over exaggerating amazement on every step.
Now, as you might have already guessed the times have changed dramatically. And for good. It is estimated that today, hiking is actually more popular than ever. We can see that from various sources. From experienced hikers to numbers of sales of hiking gear and records of various mountaineering clubs.
But actually, it’s a shame that the real reason why we have such a great need to reach for green plains is the massive amount of stress that dwells all around us. It’s probably even very self-explanatory to you. Even if you are relieved from such bad tensions there is no reason that you wouldn’t have such a healthy and entertaining activity in your life. We tend to document everything today.
Outdoor Gear Has Never Been More Advanced
Online outdoor gear retailers are providing us today with handy little drones that follow us without the manual guidance while recording everything! If that isn’t the picture of the modern way of life implemented into the rawness of nature, I don’t know what it is… Regardless of what some may say this is obviously the way to enjoy the time ahead of us. There is no valid reason that we wouldn’t implement all the necessities of everyday life while enjoying the great outdoors altogether. And the outdoor gear businesses?
They know that very well and they will provide you with the opportunity to have everything that your electronics would need inside that huge backpack.
A far cry for outdoors is to be blamed on the modern way of life on all sides.
These days you can see someone else’s awesome hiking pictures on Facebook or Instagram and just stop for the moment of thinking and jealousy, and the next thing you know, you, all your friends and your gear are somewhere remote enjoying the night under the stars. These are the moments when we truly realize that so little is needed to actually enjoy life.