What Men Wish They Knew When They Were Younger: As Told By Men

    We’ve all been guilty of uttering the phrase, “If only I knew then what I know now.”

    Unfortunately, there’s no going back now. So many times we look back and laugh over the fact the we should have listened to what all the  adults told us, because they ended up being right. It’s bitter sweet really.

    Women are always talking to about how much what they know now would have changed their lives back in the day, but what about men?

    Well fellas, what do you know now that you wish you knew back in the day?

    I wish I was more cognizant of how short time can be. Logically, I knew my grandparents were probably going to die before me, but it was almost as if in my head i imagined that they would live forever, you know? I wish I could have spent more time with them.”

    -Andrew, 26

    Getting older is not more fun…”

    -Enzo, 25

    How important surrounding yourself with the right people could be in the development of your brain, your body, and your future.”

    -Anthony, 21

    “Probably that it isn’t about the quantity of people you know but the quality. The more people I knew the better I felt , however now I could care less if I knew fewer people as long as I knew they were beneficial to me and not holding me back.”

    Matt, 25

    How important school really is…”
    -John, 26

    Probably something as simple as live in the moment. Enjoy the moment. I spent so much of my youth wishing I could be an adult and now that I am, I wish I could go back to being a kid with no real problems. I did it in college too. I worked so hard to finish as soon as I could and again now I’d give anything to be back as a freshman in college. So yeah, enjoy the moments as they come. Don’t rush anything. ”

    -Danny, 25

     ” Life happens for us, not to us.
    – Vinny, 26

    “That there’s no reason to be insecure. I’m a lot better than I thought I was then, and if I was more confident more opportunities would have arose for me.”

     -Matt, 29

    “How important it is to listen to your parents or any other elders that seem to be nagging or preaching. They are actually giving you the greatest gift ever, advice through experience. How important it is to save money for a rainy day… that being a rock star seems cool, but the journey to become one will be short lived with long lasting consequences. Most importanly, appreciate every moment and make as much time as possible for the people you love.

    oh- and don’t get credit cards at 18 years old.

    -Paul. 35

    “The lottery numbers from numbers from two months ago when the prize was 300 million..”

    -Thomas, 22

    “I wish I waited longer…”

    -Christopher, 25

    “I wish I knew how important school was and hard you need to work to achieve your goals.”

    -Kyle, 28

    I wish I had known in high school that the feeling of regret is stronger than the fear of embarrassment. I would have been more outgoing and forward with people, been more genuine, put myself out there more.”

    -Ricky, 25

    I wish I took life more seriously and appreciated things a little more at the time.”

    -Anthony, 29


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