Playing online casino games can be very fun and exciting. This is one of the favorite hobbies of many people out there and people who gamble all come from all walks of life. Despite the differences, all of them who gamble are just really up for having fun, earning money, and killing some time.
Thanks to the internet, there is no more need to travel to play any casino game of your choice. Whether it’s a game of Poker, Blackjack, Slot Machines, or the Roulette, there are many USA Online Casinos to play in America.
If you’ve been playing one casino games for a long time now, have you ever assessed yourself when it comes to this? If you’re new to playing, you probably are keen to observe how others when gambling online. Interestingly, there are a few types of online gamblers that you should know about. There could be one or two on this list that you can most relate to or say that you know someone who is exactly like that.
- New Kid on the Block
This is you if you’re new to online gambling. As a newbie, you still have the need to do some research on the games that you should play and how to play these games. You don’t have any strategies yet and you’re not that confident when it comes to sitting on the table.
It’s never bad to be called a newbie. It just takes time and effort to get out that phase. As soon as you no longer have the need to ask questions and you’re rather focused on techniques and strategies, you’re on your way to getting past the newbie stage.
- The Veteran
This is you if you’ve been gambling online for years now. You know which online casinos have the best selections for different casino games. You know which software provider has the best slot machine jackpot.
You also know which online casinos to avoid because you can already determine fishy activities. As a veteran, you’ve probably already played more than one casino game. You don’t just enjoy a game of slots. You’re comfortable playing any casino games that one can think of.
- The Professional
This may sound like this is at the same level who is considered a veteran when it comes to playing online casino games. This can be true, but you’re only considered a professional online casino player if you’re heavily relying on the money that you make on this.
To be a professional in any career means that at least 60 percent of your income is coming from it. And so, if you’re playing online casino games to pay your rent, your utility bills, gas for your car, and other necessary expenses, then you’re a pro. You make a living from gambling online and that’s definitely cool.
- The Lucky Leprechaun
Irish or not, you’re a lucky leprechaun if you somehow have a lot of winning streaks. Your gambling friends are probably jealous of your luck. You can easily get a winning combination from any slot machine games without wishing hard for it. You mostly get the best cards whether it’s poker or blackjack that you’re playing. You’re just really lucky and everyone wishes to be like you.
- The Unlucky One
Yes, this is the opposite of the lucky players out there. However, this probably isn’t the case for you most of the time. You can only be unlucky on a certain day or week. The bottom line is that you just don’t win anything from your spins, free or not.
If you’re playing table games, even if you know how the game works, you just don’t get the right cards. Maybe online gambling isn’t exactly for you if this is the case. Try your luck some other day or with other games instead.
- Free Player
Everyone loves getting free anything. You’re a free player if your main goal is to always get free spins. You’d rather sign up on online casinos with no deposit offers. This way, you don’t risk anything if you don’t win anything from the no-deposit bonus that you get.
- The Neutral
This is you if you just really play online casino games for fun. You don’t mind losing and you’re happy if you’re winning. You also don’t schedule when you’re going to play a game. You just log in to your gambling account when you’re free and if you have some money to spare. You just don’t feel much about gambling.
- VIP Clubster
The name says it all. This is you if you’ve been invited to join different online VIP clubs and it is most likely because you’re a high roller or you gamble online a lot. Online casinos only pick people with specific gambling behaviors to join their VIP clubs.
- The Chaser
If you’re this kind of player, consider stopping. This is something that you should avoid. Don’t keep on chasing your losses because this could just lead to bigger problems. The chasers are the ones who are determined to win even if they are already losing a lot of money. They are impulsive and don’t mind spending more than they can afford.