You should be using your company blog to the best of its capacity. If you aren’t doing this, then your blog might instead be working against you and you are missing out on a very valuable opportunity to connect with your employees – and engage them in a way that improves the general relationship of you and your employees.
Your company’s face…
Is your blog doing all it can for you? A successful blog represents your company’s face, and often your company’s public face all at the same time. This is where people will gather their first impression of your company, and what you post has a huge influence on that: So, we can say that you have control over what people think of your company. Your blog will also be read by employees, and it can have a huge influence on what even they think of your company – and how hard they’re willing to work for the company. Did you think a blog could influence all of that?
Engaging with employees
Your blog is read by both readers and employees. Here, you have a very valuable chance to engage with your employees. How? First, you can have a section of the website that’s specifically for employees – and this is the perfect place to post news for employees or even company humor. You can also engage with employees by sharing content on the main page that’s just for them – like a competition for employees with winners announced on the blog. You can also invite them to send their questions and queries to you through the site.
Company Humor in Posts
We mentioned company humor, and this can be a great way to engage with employees on your company’s blog. By company humor, we don’t mean that you have to make fun of employees… By company humor we mean humor that applies to situations in the workplace, or humor that’s funny only to people who work in your industry. This offers some much-needed comic relief in the workplace and it gives you another chance to connect with your employees on a personal level you wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. There’s a place and a time for everything, and a company blog is a great place for some occasional humor.
Posting Company News and Highlights
Your company’s blog is also the right place to be posting company news. Everything and anything new that happens to and within your company should warrant a post – especially if it’s something that affects your employees or is something that they might find interesting. Posting highlights and news about your company that applies directly to your employees makes them feel like they always know what’s going on – and a special membership area for employees can really make them feel like special members of the team.
New Take on Employee of the…
Want to choose a special employee and really make them shine? Your company’s blog is a great platform to host Employee of the Week or Month posts on a regular basis: Even with a special prize attached to it, and with the employee being featured on the blog with their accomplishment. This can help employees to do more for the company to get the top spot at the end of the week or month, and some healthy competition in a business can be both great and fun for everyone. Make sure that you have their permission to post their name and photo online before you do, the world of public social media is a minefield if you aren’t careful of privacy rules and laws.