Driving Under the Influence, most commonly known as DUI is one of the most common offences in Canadian records. This is mostly due to the fact that the procedure to prove one was driving under the influence of alcohol, or other inebriating substances has been refined through the years, and nowadays there are accurate field test, which show results almost immediately. Thus, once such conviction reaches a courtroom it is almost impossible to get out with a not guilty verdict.
Unfortunately, there is no difference whether you consumed a larger dose of antibiotics, or you were intoxicated with alcohol, or illegal substances, you get the same charges. As long as the police officers can prove that you were in an unfit condition to operate a vehicle there will be a DUI charge, irrelevant of the substance you consumed.
This is why organizations like the nationalpardon are predominantly occupied with pardoning cases involving DUI charges. Currently the legal limit for alcohol before a DUI charge is put in place is 0.08. If the amount of alcohol in the blood is above this threshold an arrest will take place. However, if the test results come back with a borderline result, which is close to the legal limit, police officers have means to still enforce measures, differing among province in Canada.
Sentences for such offenses vary depending on the seriousness of the offense, and the repeatedness of such crossings of the law. A first time offense is usually charged with a prohibition from driving for a year, and a $1000 fine. However, if this becomes a repeated breaking of the law the sanctions become more severe. A second time offense includes not only a prohibition from driving for two years, but also a thirty day stay in jail. And finally for a third or more offence the jail time increases to 120 days, and the prohibition from driving becomes a three year period.
Whether you are found guilty, or in rare cases concerning DUIs not guilty, it is important to seek the service of agencies like the National Pardon Center, because they provide valuable information concerning your criminal records, and how if possible to get them expunged or pardoned. In order to get a charge pardoned, the most important and always the first step is to pay any fines, and to serve any sentences related to this charge.
These organizations also provide helpful information regarding additional charges, and any penalties that might be issued in relation to a DUI charge. It is good to be informed about these, as for example a refusal to take a breathalyzer test is usually charged with the same penalty, as is an actual DUI. Another example would be the DUI by proxy, when an intoxicated passenger is left in a car with the keys still in the ignition.
Therefore, while a DUI is a very serious offense according to Canadian law, there are steps that can be taken towards the pardoning of such a crime. And of course the best way to steer clear from such charges is to abstain from drinking and driving. There is always a way to transport yourself when you’ve been drinking, and driving on your own should never be an option.