Do You Know These Benefits of Brandy?

    If you are a brandy-lover and want more reasons to cherish your affection for this sparkling elixir, you are at the right place. In this article, you will get to know some of the best benefits of brandy. Here we go!

    Before telling you about its benefits, let us first talk a bit about brandy itself.

    Brandy is a strong alcoholic spirit which is usually made from distilled wine or fermented fruit juice. As it is aged in oak barrels, it acquires a unique colour and has more alcohol content than wine. Since it is derived from different fruits, it is available in many varieties. Most people relish it as an after-dinner drink.

    With so many brands to choose from, confusion is certain. To your rescue, we have a suggestion. Hermes Distillery – a brand new entry in the world of alcohol is making its way fast in the list of best brandy brands in India with its premium brandy – Lincoln. It not only offers an unforgettable experience but also relishes the taste buds unimaginably.

    Here are some of the benefits of brandy. We bet you didn’t know about these.


    Saves You From Respiratory Issues


    Be it a sore throat or a cough; brandy is known to treat such respiratory issues since traditional times. Its high alcoholic content eliminates the bacteria that cause a cough. It can also loosen up phlegm and mucus while offering relief from congestion. Brandy not just treats respiratory issues but also prevents their occurrence as it has anti-oxidants that increase body’s immunity.


    For a Healthy Heart


    Yes! It’s true. As mentioned previously, brandy is rich in antioxidants which help in lowering the level of bad cholesterol and boosting good cholesterol in the body. Not only this, but brandy also has anti-platelet properties that help in preventing the build-up of blood clots. This can ward-off the risk of a heart attack.

    Gifts You A Good Sleep



    What is better than a sweet sleep after a hectic and stressful day, right? However, that may not come to you if you are a person who is already disturbed with sleepless nights. Here is when brandy can turn out to be your saviour. So, drink some moderate amount of brandy after dinner and get ready for a sound sleep. However, beware and drink only in moderation. A higher amount of brandy can turn the game upside down, and you will have a hard time staying asleep.


    Healthier Hair and Skin


    Your eyes are definitely going to stick to this point. Well, as you read it, brandy’s antioxidants can do much benefit to your body. Another advantage it brings is healthier skin and hair. The antioxidants help the cells in the body reproduce in a better way and live longer, which in return, can make you look younger and healthier. Some other advantages of its anti-ageing properties include preventing wrinkles, poor vision and cognitive issues.


    Manages Weight


    In contrast to other alcoholic drinks like beer, brandy does not contain carbohydrates. This means you can enjoy it without worrying about your weight. So, add it to your after-dinner routine and treat your taste buds while keeping a check on your waistline.

    Cancer Fighter



    It may sound unbelievable, but brandy can reduce the risk of various types of cancers like ovarian and bladder cancer. It has a powerful organic compound called ellagic acid that is known to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells.

    Done reading? Well, what are you waiting for? Go and grab the best Indian brandy from your nearby liquor store and have a wonderful evening. You can also invite your loved ones and have a pleasant get-together. However, do not forget to drink it in moderation because too much of anything is never a good idea.


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