Can Liposuction Treatment help with certain problem areas of your body that refuse to change even with the right exercise or diet? Well, it does not mean that you stop exercising and stop eating healthy, but you need a changed approach towards your aesthetic goals. Find out how liposuction can sculpt your body into the desired shape once and for all.
Some of the different areas that liposuction treats are as follows,
- Abdomen
- Hips, Thighs, and Buttocks
- Bra Rolls
- Chin, Neck, and Jawline
- Chest
- Love Handles
- Knees
- Calves and Ankles
- Arms
- Back
Different Type of Liposuction Procedures
There are not one but a different type of liposuction procedures. Thanks to the ever-evolving liposuction procedure, it has become an effective procedure. A procedure one can try is tumescent liposuction and it is one of the most effective liposuction for women.
- Tumescent liposuction – It is performed under local anesthesia and is done under full anesthesia. A lot of patients are scared of going under the full anesthesia, so for people like these, they can opt for this type of procedure. The surgeon will administer local anesthetic on the area where the fat is removed. However, some patients will still have to use general anesthetic for the procedure, depending on the areas to be operated upon.
- Ultrasound-assisted liposuction- Some of the other liposuction treatments are ultrasound-assisted liposuction, where the ultrasound machine helps liquefy fat before removal. The ultrasound enables proper removal of the fat from the body and hence slashes the chance of complications. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction helps in fat removal from various parts of the body such as hips, upper abdomen, and back.
- Laser-assisted liposuction – Another liposuction technique which you can try is the laser-assisted liposuction. This particular liposuction technique is on the same line as the ultrasound-assisted liposuction. Although the two procedures are quite similar it has a few differences as laser-assisted liposuction utilizes low-energy waves as against the ultrasound waves to liquefy the fat. Once the fat has been liquefied it can be removed through a small cannula.
- Suction Assisted Liposuction (SAL) – It works well for most patients, simple procedure but works excellently for most patients.
- Power assisted liposuction – It is another option that removes high volumes of fat. This procedure uses a special vibrating cannula that breaks up and helps remove fatty tissue. It is effective in removing fat, particularly where there is stubborn dense fat.
- Hi-definition Liposuction – It is a specialized version of liposuction and focuses and enhances the underlying muscular definition of the torso. This is achieved by performing selective superficial liposuction that boosts muscle enhancement along with fat grafting. High definition liposuction requires an extended procedure time, recovery time, expertise and expense compared to the non-HD version. If a shredded look is your thing then high definition liposuction is exactly what you should ask for.
The above are the most common liposuction techniques that you can try. But which one should you choose or your surgeon chooses depends on a number of factors, one is on the evaluation of the surgeon and another is your individualistic requirement.
Can Liposuction Treat Other Medical Conditions?
Liposuction can provide a solution to a host of the medical condition. It treats conditions such as lipodystrophy, lipomas, and excessive sweating.
Excess Skin after Liposuction Surgery
Excess skin is a serious concern for patients about to undergo a drastic weight loss procedure, whichever diet you follow, especially when it comes to extreme weight loss, but with liposuction, there is less chance of excess skin. Before undergoing the procedure your physical fitness will be thoroughly evaluated and the elasticity of your skin. Young people who go for liposuction have less chance of getting excess skin as their skin is superelastic. Patients who go for the surgery and have little fat to remove will have fewer problems with excess skin. Also, it always helps when you consult your surgeon and express your concerns over the upcoming surgery. Your surgeon will hence explain the proceedings and why you must not worry about the same.
Liposuction Surgery – What to Expect After the Surgery?
It is major surgery and patients may encounter different types of discomfort after the procedure. Some of the discomforts include general soreness, temporary swelling, and irritation. However, they should not be big concerns as these side effects are temporary and most patients recover from the surgery in quick time. However, they must clearly follow the post-surgery instruction manual provided by the doctor. Follow it to accelerate the healing process.
The Liposuction Procedure on Your Body
A targeted liposuction procedure has many benefits as we know, it reshapes the body helping you get rid of fat from certain parts of your body. Most studies on liposuction say that this procedure can help patients obtain a sculpted appearance and target fat deposits, especially when all of the other procedures fail, be it a healthy diet and regular exercise. Liposuction procedure can be a viable option for patients who are close to their target weight but are unable to spot reduce or lose fat from certain specific parts of their bodies.
There are many parts of the body that you can treat with liposuction. The most effective way of eliminating stubborn fat from the abdomen is liposuction. However, it is imperative that the patient follows a sustainable healthy diet and exercises to preserve the impact of the surgery. Also, if you want to make the best out of the procedure feel free to ask your surgeon the questions that are uppermost on your mind. Seek extended consultations for the same.
Don’t feel confused about the plethora of information available on the web about different types of liposuction. Keep in mind that all different types of liposuction are more or less the same and is safe and effective to use. Concentrate more on a skilled surgeon who will provide exactly what you need, others may make a lot of noise, promise more but deliver very little. It is important to do a thorough investigation and go ahead with the procedure. Your road to transformation starts right now! Are you ready to take the plunge?