In business, you learn numerous things that are essential for proper management. However, lean canvas examples are also potential things you can look upon. The main objective of the entrepreneurs starting a business is to make a profit as they ensure customers’ satisfaction and, for one to achieve the goal he or she needs to have a lean canvas that will enable him or her to stay focused and do what is necessary to achieve the goal. Lean canvas is a tool implemented for business which allows business people and people planning to start a business to get their ideas out of their mind and design them in a tangible format in a quick manner and in which they can communicate the ideas to others. It is easier to use lean canvas than business plan because the business plan, consists of lots of writing to be read and most of the time people do not read it. Lean canvas is just a one-page business plan which provides clear goals; objectives, vision, mission, whats business entails and other ideas that concern your business.
Lean canvas uses the nine-block concepts which are adjusted to meet the lean start-up. These blocks include problems, solution, unique value proposition, unfair advantage, customer segment, key metrics, channels, and cost structure and revenue streams. The benefits of the lean canvas include the following;
- It is a communicating tool
Lean canvas act like an essential and useful communicating tool since it communicates ideas about a business in a precise manner and it is easily understood since it provides a snapshot of the plans. It helps entrepreneurs to formulate possible business ideas, product launches, and campaigns and, communicate it with stakeholders and hence using a lean canvas as a guide is essential. The communication role of the lean canvas is the most valuable functions of the tool.
- It is fast
Unlike business plan which needs thorough research which can take up to two months and a lot of writings, the lean canvas is very simple to come up with since it is just one page which describes your whole business ideas. It does not require a lot of time to design and prevents people from initiating a business from wasting a lot of time and time is money; hence no resource wastage.
- Unfair advantage
In the blocks of lean canvas, it has unfair advantage section which ensures that the business will stand up not because they have the unique value proposition but because they have something special or they provide services in a unique way that the customers cannot have or offer in the same way in other business entrepreneurs.
- It is efficient in solving problems
The lean canvas has a section for customers, problems, and solutions. In those blocks, the business owner will be in a position to understand the target customers and their needs hence being able to provide services or product that will solve their need in an appropriate manner. The entrepreneurs will be able to understand the problems he or she is likely to encounter and establish risk mitigation measures to prevent the problems from occurring.
Through the benefits I have explained above, it is crystal clear that lean canvas is essential for individuals starting-up a business and entrepreneurs, and they need to keep on adjusting as the demand arises.