Sleepless nights spent with Netflix are always a good time. You can’t go to sleep until you see what happens next, so you end up binge watching a show in just a few short days. If any of these apply to you, you might be addicted to Netflix.
1. You keep promising yourself “only one more episode” until it’s way past midnight.

And then you realize it’s 4am and you have to go to work in just 4 short more hours, but it’s okay because you finished the 3rd season of Breaking Bad.
2. When the new season of your favorite show is added, it’s better than sex.

You will put off intimate time with your partner and both cuddle up together on the couch to watch the new season of your favorite show.
3. You’ve seen more documentaries than you ever thought existed.

Netflix actually has a great list of documentaries and you can’t keep yourself from at least checking out a few of them. Why not get educated while you sit in front of “the box.” Once you see one documentary, a million others pop up in your suggested list and you just can’t contain yourself.
4. People who don’t know what OITNB means aren’t worth your time.

Everyone worth knowing watches Orange is the New Black. And if they don’t you’ll get them hooked anyway.
5. Binge watching six seasons straight is nothing new to you.

Hmm let’s see you’ve done this with at least 3 shows, because nothing is better than not waiting for next week to see a new episode. And you can have marathons with your friends. We’re all a bunch of addicts.
6. You go through withdrawals when you finish a series.

As happy as you might be that you finally finished watching an entire series, it saddens you because there aren’t more episodes of your favorite show. Now you have to figure out what else to watch. But no worries here, you’ll find one in seconds…because NETFLIX!
7. You’ve promised a friend or significant other that you’d wait for them to watch the next episode, but you watched it without them anyway.

You just can’t hold off any longer. No matter how hard you try, Netflix lures you in calling your name to watch the next episode. And then you lie and just watch it again with them anyway, because hey it’s a great show anyway.
Bumming out can be rewarding and Netflix definitely makes it easier, but don’t forget to go outside once in a while.