If one of the parts of you prefer in work is writing. As an engineer, most of it is technical reports, but usually you put heart inside them trying to make them live, to get things clear to my reader, to explain complicated problems in simple ways.
When you write posts or articles, on the other hand, you can talk about more personal things, get even more creative and make fun out of it.
Yes, you know it, most of the people think about writing as hard, boring work. But some personally find it “amazing and amusing” and we would like to share with you some secrets from great writers, like top writers from EssayLab. These secrets helped you to tap into creativity in ways you wouldn’t even think possible and be sure that can help you to do the same.
Technique 1: Choose the right time to write
Don’t force yourself to write no matter what. You could spend a lot of time without getting any result and this would only make you feel bad about it.
Write when you’re in the mood for it, just wait for the right moment to come and get it.
What if you aren’t face of your PC when it happens? This is the reason why you should always carry a paper notebook with you. When you see a good idea coming, write it down and put it in your pocket. Later you will be easily able to develop it further the right way.
Technique 2: Try to make it a habit
Maybe you could exercise yourself to write at the same time every day. As you probably know, the best way to achieve a goal is making a habit of what will get you there.
For instance, you could set aside half an hour every morning and write one or two articles based on the ideas you collected on your notebook the days before (because you’re already carrying a notebook with you, aren’t you?). When you heard of people writing whole books just a piece a day half an hour every morning in three or four months.
Technique 3: Don’t struggle with your mind
In any case, if the writing doesn’t come out anyway, do not stress your mind, let it develop its own flow. Here’s an idea borrowed from Joe Vitale:
“Focus on your goal, think about it intensively for a minute or two, then just relax and do something else, have a stretch, a walk or take a nap. Most of the time, you’ll see the flow coming right after and you could complete your work in a shorter time.”
Technique 4: Cut off your screen
Our mind is divided in two different parts: a conscious one and an unconscious one. The unconscious one is connected with our creativity, while the conscious one does the rational job. Normally, we have the conscious mind working and the unconscious one breaks through every know and then with some good ideas.
The problem is that if you don’t get them as they come, the conscious mind instantly pushes you to evaluate them critically, and you normally tend to let them down.
When you’re sitting in front of the screen, two things happen: your hand on the keyboard write down your ideas in the creative process, but your eyes on the screen awake your mind’s critical processes, and you find yourself going back and forward on your text to edit and correct it as you’re writing, losing this way your best flow.
One good trick to get better results is shutting off the screen when you’re writing. This way you will be able to get the best out of the creative process and you could do all the editing later.
Technique 5: Don’t over-criticize yourself
Don’t be too critical with yourself. To become a great writer you need to be a good writer. In order to do that you need to be a fair one, and prior to that a poor one and… Did I make it clear? At first you only need to be a writer, no matter your level of skills. You don’t need to be a pro to become one, you just need to improve your skills day by day with practice.
Technique 6: Write the way you talk
Most of the time, you aren’t writing a scientific report or a specialized book, so you don’t need to use specific verbiage and difficult terms. If you write just like you talk, the following things will happen:
It will be easier for you to follow the flow of your thoughts.
Your personality will get in some way through your work.
Your readers will feel more connected to you, just like as they know you even if they didn’t ever meet you.
If you want to develop this skill, you can carry with you a voice recorder and record your thoughts or ideas to fix them and then put them on paper just as you said them in order to get your own voice in your writing
Technique 7: Turn your writing into a conversation
Questions are very powerful for a creative writer. If you had a long enough list of questions about a give subject. You could write a whole book just by answering them.
Furthermore, you can put the same questions in your writings. Ask them to your reader and this will help you to build interest and report through your work.