Did you know you can do your home shopping on Amazon? Not only do they offer a massive selection of home products, their PrimePantry makes it easy to order many foods for the home, too. We’ll focus on some basic items for the home here you can find on Amazon — and why they’re great deals.
And don’t forget — one of the best parts about buying on Amazon is that you can subscribe to items. Instead of running out every week to get your paper towels and TP, why not get them delivered right to your doorstep?
1. GE EnergySmart Light Bulbs — 24 Count for $35
I don’t know about you, but whenever I see these energy-efficient lightbulbs, they’re always priced significantly higher. $2-3 a lightbulb is pretty steep, even if these CFL bulbs last years and years. But on Amazon? Forget it! A 24-count pack of these EnergySmart lightbulbs for only $35 is enough to get your entire house switched over to the high-efficiency bulbs. You’ll probably have enough leftover, too, that you won’t have to actually buy lightbulbs again for oh, I dunno — half a decade?
2. Ziploc Slider Gallon Bags — 32 Count for $13
Pretty much every house uses plastic baggies in the kitchen. They’re great for food storage, naturally — or sending a dish over to the neighbors, or taking in your lunch, or freezing bits and pieces of meals for later use. The best part of this deal, of course — the price! Where else can you get 32 gallon-sized bags for less than $15?
3. Glad Strong Trash Bags – 90 Count for $10
Every house needs trash bags, pretty much. You can compost some stuff, but there’s a lot of trash we make that simply can’t be composted or recycled. For those items, you need a trash can and some trash bags. How about $10 for ninety bags?
4. Angel Soft Toilet Paper – 48 Count for $22
Toilet paper is a staple within any house. It’s one of those items that’s always on the list for next week’s shopping trip. But — you can save if you buy online! 48 roles for $22 is a deal you simply cannot find in most major grocery stores.
Of course, if you’d like to go even cheaper, you can get the big industrial rolls. You might also want to pick up some cream for your bum, though.
5. Brawny Paper Towels — 30 Count for $27
Paper towels are another household staple, much like toilet paper. Useful for cleaning up spills and keeping everything spic and span, you’ll usually end up buying some paper towels on each shopping trip you make. However, much like toilet paper… it’s a pain! They take up a lot of room in your cart, and you’re usually paying a little more when you compare Amazon’s prices. 30 big rolls for $27 is a great deal!