5 Tips for Making Difficult Changes


    Wanting to make a change in your life is one thing, and doing it is something else entirely. Even when you are entirely on board with the thing that you want to do differently, distractions, tiredness, or just an inability to make a good roadmap for change can all get in the way. The tips below can help you make even the most difficult changes to improve your life.

    Make a Plan

    First, you need a plan. It needs to be as specific as possible. For example, if you have decided that you finally want to sit down and write that book you’ve been talking about for years, your plan needs to be more than finally write that book. Will you get up an hour early every day and try to write at least 300 words? Or maybe you will set aside one day each week to immerse yourself in the world of your book. Give yourself deadlines. Do not underestimate the role that motivational quotes can play in your plan. Find quotes that speak to you and remind yourself daily of your strengths, your goals, and your plan. The exact structure of the plan does not matter as much as having one.

    Take It Slow

    Trying to do too much at once nearly always leads to failure. For example, if you’ve decided that your big change is going to be to stop smoking, you might want to start by using vaporizers. You can connect with dry herb enthusiasts online to learn more about the possibilities, including how to choose from a selection of portable or desktop vaporizer. If you are sedentary and want to participate in a triathlon, start with a walk around the block.

    Have a Pal

    Making yourself more accountable by working with a friend can help with your motivation. There are plenty of different ways to approach this. For example, if you are trying to finish writing that book, you could make writing dates with a friend when you meet at a cafe and spend a certain amount of time writing. If you are starting to add fitness to your daily life, it can help to have a friend to do it with. However, you don’t have to be pursuing the same goals. You can still keep in touch and encourage one another in whatever each of you chooses to pursue.

    Give Yourself Rewards

    Building in rewards for achieving smaller goals along the way can also help with motivation. These should be things that are meaningful to you but do not sabotage your overall aim. In other words, don’t celebrate a week of avoiding sugar with a slice of cake. Plan your rewards in advance so you have something to look forward to every so often.


    As you start to make improvements, one thing you may start to see is how much clutter is in your life. This is not just physical clutter but other types as well, such as obligations you want to be free of. For example, perhaps there is a volunteer position you’ve held for a long time even though you no longer want to do it and it takes time away from other things that you value more. Change begats change, and most likely, you will find that you want to streamline some other parts of your life once you start getting good results in one area.


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