Pornography is becoming the most searched content on the internet, which is surprising, especially considering the notion around it. Watching porn has even become normalized to the point where couples or partners enjoy watching it together for passing the time or even as a leisure time hobby. While we cannot conclude that everyone watches porn, the most significant population does, and it is all for good reasons. Here are some reasons why people love watching porn.
For arousal
This is the most obvious and common reason why people watch porn. This is the reason for its production. The explanation is simple. Sex is a basic need that people enjoy. However, people have different drives. While some get aroused naturally at any time they want to engage in sex; some need a trigger to do it.
It could be that you want sex, but your partner is not in the mood for it. Watching porn together will get both of you in the mood. It is also a trigger for single people who want to wank. It helps them to create a fantasy in their mind and make the experience much enjoyable.
However, you should note that this kind of content is not produced with the consumers’ safety in mind. However, research has also shown that porn results in lesser real sex quantity and quality. This is because those who watch porn for arousal tend to be less connected with the actual person when cuddling and touching.
As this goes on, it will get to a point where intimate turn-on is not enough. He consumers only get aroused when they watch porn.
Fill in loneliness
Most people tend to watch or read sex stories from sites such as bellesa when idle and alone. This is the reason why teenagers turn to watch porn when left home alone.
To evade the lonely feeling, they turn to watch porn as a temporary solution. It is more like a distraction, but before they know it, they are already becoming porn addicts. Studies have also shown that the more one watches pornography, the more lonely s/he gets.
This is psychologically related in the terms that while initially, you felt comfortable sharing what you have been up to with other people, it gets hard to share your pornography watching habits. This sense of shame pushes you further from people, and in the end, you start withdrawing from all your friends.
Peer pressure
This is a common trigger among the people generation. Peer pressure is associated with the desire to fit in. Teenagers will hear their mates talking about pornography or sex, and the next thing they want to do is view it so they will have something to contribute to such topics.
This is used to achieve acceptance and prove a gain of status. This is also a significant cause of sexting among teenagers. Although exploring sex and getting curious when young is healthy, it should not be something to be pressured into.
For education
As mentioned, it is normal to get curious and how it works. This is also a reason why teenagers to be precise turn to porn. It is a secure platform for exploring, but that does not mean that it is the best. It would have been easier if the younger generation turned to the older people for any questions they might have about sex. Unfortunately, most older people view sex as taboo. They will not agree to discuss any issues around this with the young people.
They will tell them to wait until they are of the right age to experience sex, but given human nature, the young people will find a way to get the information they need. However, porn sites as education tools come with some downsides.
For starters, it is not practical. The worst part is that teens could feel pressured to appear and act like porn performers. We can all agree that some of the things that happen during pornography production are not safe, and teenagers could end up getting hurt if they try them.
Fighting boredom
Just like loneliness, boredom can trigger people to watch porn. While to some people, boredom is the state of mind that triggers their creativity, some turn to porn to pass time. Even with so many forms of entertainment on the internet that people can turn to when they feel bored, some will still prefer watching pornography.
Some individuals also describe this habit as a perfect way to unwind after a long tiresome day at work or school. However, it is not a recommendable idea as it will leave you unsatisfied, and to some extent, you will be bored of watching the content or even engaging in sex itself.
While there are lots of reasons why people watch porn, these are the most common excuses that people use for it. You should, however, dig deeper to understand the impact of watching porn on your health and social being.