When Should I Make A Personal Injury Claim?

    Emotions can run high when you have been injured. You want your recovery to be stress-free as possible and conducted in a professional manner, but how do you know if your case is worthy of exploring further? Should you make a personal injury claim? We have outlined some of the circumstances where claiming is necessary below.

    You Have Suffered a Long-Term Injury

    If you have been in an accident and now have permanent disabilities, you should get in contact with a personal injury lawyer immediately. A lawyer will be able to consider the impact your injuries will have on your future earnings and be able to look at how much the injuries are worth financially. They can also walk you through the typical steps in a personal injury case to ensure you don’t miss any crucial opportunities—such as collecting evidence of your injuries as they progress.

    It takes a high level of expertise to make sure you are granted the compensated your claim deserves. Only a reputable Boston personal injury lawyer will be able to get you everything you are entitled to.

    There Is More Than One Party Involved

    If the accident you were in involved numerous parties, then making a claim can be a complicated process. If there is more than one party at fault or if there are other injured parties, then it can take a long time for it to progress. All of this can affect how much you are able to claim, and since there may be counterclaims involved, you want to make sure you have a personal injury lawyer to protect you and help you get the compensation you deserve.

    You Have Suffered Trauma

    Your injuries might not be external, and it is difficult to tell how an accident will impact you. There may be a time that you can claim personal injury from trauma. If you have missed work, find it hard to get back behind the wheel, or you just feel like your life is now different, you should get in touch with a personal injury lawyer.

    It can take years for you to realize the actual impact that an accident has had on you so contact a lawyer even if it was months or years ago.

    You Have Been Refused a Settlement Offer

    It might feel unjust, but sometimes a company will refuse to make a settlement offer. The insurance company representing the at-fault party might be difficult to deal with, or maybe you feel like negotiations have not been handled fairly. If this is the case, then you should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

    If the insurance company has acted in bad faith, a personal injury lawyer will be able to help you with the next stages of your claim and strive to get you the resolution you deserve. If any of the above applies to you, then you should not hesitate to find representation. Personal injuries are a serious matter.
