What Types of Valves Are Used in the Oil and Gas Industry?

    The oil and gas industry has been gaining more and more popularity lately, and there are lots of reasons for that. From alternative fuels that are used to help us keep our planet healthy and safe to technological advances that are making this industry more and more efficient every single year – everything is changing in this field, and those are the things that are making this industry so exciting. 

    Another feature that’s been getting more important than ever is the choice of valves used in this industry, and if you’re wondering what some of the types of valves there are, here’s a quick overview you need to consult. 

    Bellow-sealed valves

    Made from steel and other reliable and durable materials, these valves are so common in the oil and gas industry because of their most important feature – strong internal construction. Due to that, they’re used in different situations and machines that need reliable parts due to their extensive workload. Bellow-sealed valves are also crucial when it comes to the valve stream and its axial movement, and if you’re looking for a way to boost your axial movement, these are the valves you should be investing in. 

    But, the best thing about bellow-sealed valves is the fact that they come in two types – valves with forged bellows and those with welded bellows. While the former ones are made from a tube that contains thin foil-based foils, the latter valves consist of welding plates made from thin pieces of metal, but they have the same function. Their working principle is also the same, and if you’re looking for valves that are reliable and versatile, these are the valves you need to opt for.

    Ball valves

    In case your machines require other sorts of valves, you might need to look into ball valves instead. These are also very popular and frequently used, but their working principle is a bit different from bellow-sealed valves. Namely, these valves are intended to work as quarter-turn valves that rotate following the functions defined by a ball-shaped disc that’s in charge of the flow.

    Even though it doesn’t sound that way, the mechanism behind a ball valve is quite complicated and complex, which is why it includes lots of intricate parts that are made from different materials. From various metals to Teflon, ball valves show us the developments in the oil and gas industry and where this industry might be going in the future.

    Butterfly valves

    When talking about the developments in this industry and all the valves we need to operate our machines, you need to keep in mind that these butterfly valves are among the most crucial types of valves out there. Whether you’re looking for valves that are intended to flow isolation or those that are positioned at right angles to the flow, these are the valves for you. In addition to being versatile and practical, these valves are used because they’re lightweight and efficient, which means you can use them in lots of different scenarios and with different machines, and that’s something we’re all looking for.

    However, not all butterfly valves are the same, and if you wish to maximize them and their power, you need to stick to valves that come from reliable manufacturers and people who know all there is to know about valves. And if you manage to find the most efficient butterfly valves on the market, you’ll be able to make the most of their potential and use them to take your production to the next level. This is the biggest advantage of these valves, which is why investing in them can go a long way.

    Check valve

    In the end, this is another commonly-used valve in the oil and gas industry, and the real reason for that is its versatility. Check valves have lots of functions, from avoiding backflow to avoiding potential damages and issues that might be caused by pumps and other parts of the system. This also means that check valves are made from different materials that guarantee their stability and longevity, which also makes them quite reliable and wanted.

    Still, if you’re looking for check valves, you need to remember that these come in different shapes and sizes, which is why there are several types of check valves out there. Swing check valves, non-slam check valves, and dual plate check valves are just some of the options you’ll be able to choose from, so make sure you learn as much as you can about them and try to make the right choice.

    In addition to these, some of the other valves you’ll be facing in the oil and gas industry include pressure seal valves, gate valves, ORBIT valves, globe valves, control valves, and pinch valves. So, if you wish to make the most of your efforts in this industry, don’t be afraid to look into all of these valves and pick the ones you’ll be using the most.


    • Scarlet is a passionate writer and regular contributor at highstylife.com interested in fashion, lifestyle, and health. She loves traveling, you could say that she is a real travel addict, especially when she has a chance to visit some exotic destinations. She would tell you that inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places.

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