Top 5 Reasons Why Adopt Don’t Shop Is the Best Breed


    You may have heard stories about how animals suffer in shelters around the world and how shelters claim to not abuse or kill animals, even though they claim they do not harm these animals or they claim they’re not a kill shelter. But many shelters around the world have people that abuse the animals in their shelter and when they start to run out of space in the shelter they end up putting down animals just to free up whatever space they would need. It is truly sad that most of these animals will never find a forever home nor will most shelter animals know what a warm bed feels like or even a family environment.

    This is why we came up with adopt don’t shop New Jersey, even though we started in new jersey we will soon advance world wide, adopt don’t shop new jersey is an organization that wants to help animals find a forever home by connecting people with animals on our website. Here are five reasons why adopt don’t shop New Jersey is the best option:

    1. Adopt Don’t Shop New Jersey does not believe in kill shelters and will do whatever it takes to get an animal adopted and ensure that are comfortable while they’re with us.
    2. Adopt Don’t Shop New Jersey has an online website in which we connect people to animals to make it easier for people to adopt our animals. This will show the pets profile including a picture of the pet as wells as their gender, name, and age. Also we include a little bit of information about the pet so you get to know about whom they are.
    3. Adopt Don’t Shop New Jersey has top quality people who we make sure take care of the animals to be sure every animal is treated with the proper equal care and love they deserve. And ensure their all around safety and comfort while in our care.
    4. Adopt Don’t Shop New Jersey believes that every animal does deserves a second chance. No matter what the background is that they came from, every pet deserves to know that their life actually has meaning and that there are good homes and families in the world for them.
    5. Adopt Don’t Shop New Jersey wants to advise people that they shouldn’t just shop for an animal, it is better to adopt an animal from a shelter that doesn’t have a home and show them what it is like to be cared for and be given another chance to have a family again.

    Even though we have only listed five reasons why Adopt Don’t Shop New Jersey is the best option, there are plenty more reasons why we are the better option to help you adopt a pet.

    If you would like to inquire for more information about us and what adopt don’t shop is really all about, you can visit our website and you may contact us with any questions or concerns. You can find our business hours as well as our location on our website. You can also subscribe to us via email for any notifications or any new posts that appear on our site. Follow us on Facebook at and  find us on Google+ and other social media sites like Snapchat and Instagram.

    As much as we love our animals here in the shelter, we would especially love to see them go on to a new home and be apart of somebody’s family and make their lives just that much greater.

    • Tom La Vecchia

      Founder of New Theory & X Factor Media

      Founder and Publisher of New Theory Magazine and Podcast. Serial Entrepreneur who loves wine, cigars and anything that allows to people to connect and share experiences.

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