If you have never come across a hilarious meme or two while surfing the web, you have been doing the Internet all wrong. Mixed with humor, sarcasm, and a dash of witty one-liners and pictures, successful memes definitely take the cake when it comes to funny things to look up on the Internet and social media. Instagram user @WhatWhatMedia has by far the funniest collection of memes I’ve seen in a long while. Here are just a few of the top @WhatWhatMedia memes. Try not to laugh while scrolling. (P.S. you will).
10. You hungry, or nah??
9. I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right…
8. Oops… 🙂
7. Gotta get creative now a days ladies…
6. The “Dog Days” aren’t over.
5. Mha poor hart…
4. Wait, you’re bi-what??
3. U got $5. Go!
2. There’s these types of people…
1. …and then there’s these types of people