Top 10 @WhatWhatMedia Memes

    If you have never come across a hilarious meme or two while surfing the web, you have been doing the Internet all wrong. Mixed with humor, sarcasm, and a dash of witty one-liners and pictures, successful memes definitely take the cake when it comes to funny things to look up on the Internet and social media. Instagram user @WhatWhatMedia has by far the funniest collection of memes I’ve seen in a long while. Here are just a few of the top @WhatWhatMedia memes. Try not to laugh while scrolling. (P.S. you will).

    10. You hungry, or nah??

    10 You hungry, or nah


    9. I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right…

    9 I'm not arguing, I'm just saying why I'm right


    8. Oops… 🙂 

    8 oops...


    7. Gotta get creative now a days ladies… 

    7 Gotta get creative ladies


    6. The “Dog Days” aren’t over.

    The Dog Days arent over


    5. Mha poor hart…

    5 Mha poor hart...


    4. Wait, you’re bi-what??

    4 Wait, you're bi-what


    3. U got $5. Go! 

    3 U got $5


    2. There’s these types of people…

    2 There's these types of people...


    1. …and then there’s these types of people

    1 .... and then there's these types of people






    • Tom La Vecchia

      Founder of New Theory & X Factor Media

      Founder and Publisher of New Theory Magazine and Podcast. Serial Entrepreneur who loves wine, cigars and anything that allows to people to connect and share experiences.

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