We all want to be successful. We all want to reach old age thinking and feeling that we have done more than enough in our lives. To retire with fulfilment and joy in one’s heart is a good dream. If anything it’s anyone’s dream – which is why we do whatever we can to make sure that this dream becomes a reality.
But you know what they say; dreams will remain dreams unless you start to plan. By planning, you make your dreams become possibilities. By acting, you make possibilities into realities (read more). Now what I want for you is not simply to live out your life daydreaming about how it should be. I want you to grab hold of your ideals and turn them into opportunities. You only live once, they say. And I couldn’t agree more. We only have one life to live so we may as well stop being dreamers and start being doers.
But how can you do it exactly? How can you stop being an observer and start becoming a doer?
Here are two words for you: You learn.
Why Learning Is The First Step To Becoming
You know how repeating things make you accept them as truth? Well, it’s the same with almost anything. The more you hear about things, the more you learn about them, the more they become you. This is why I strongly believe that learning is always the first step to becoming. If you don’t believe me, here’s a little exercise.
Face the mirror. Look into your eyes. Say one thing about yourself that you have previously or currently doubt. Say it once. Then, two more times. Affirm yourself a dozen times. If you’re always insecure about your weight, tell yourself that you still look smashing despite the extra curves. If you’ve always been worried about that stubborn little pimple on your face that seem to pop up on the very same spot, tell yourself that it’s okay – maybe it’s your good luck charm. Tell yourself again and again about things that you want to believe until you tire yourself out. Now stop. How do you feel about them now?
If you followed the exercise religiously, you should at least feel that you can accept your doubts as truths now. You should at least feel that they’re plausible, likely to be true. So if we are to apply this to your goals and aspirations, it would mean that the more educate yourself about what you want to do or achieve, the more likely they are to happen. Fortunately, learning about a new craft, skill, or course won’t cost you a limb these days. In fact, there are many free seminars you can go to and here are just some of them:
SEBASTIAN BEJA (The King of Free-TrafficTM from USA)
If you’re into digital marketing and live in Thailand, then you should definitely see this one-of-a-kind lecturer. With his teachings, you will definitely learn more about how the online world works. It’s a great way to learn about new techniques that can definitely help you run a better business. Check out other สัมมนา on this site.
VINCE TAN PREVIEW SEMINARS (The beginning of being Millionaire online)
Another jewel in the world of online seminars, Vince Tan’s teachings and mentoring has helped countless of aspiring business enthusiasts reach their full potentials and achieve greater heights. If you want to put up a profitable business without having to sacrifice too much for it, then you should definitely get a pointer or two from him.
Marketing is a large part of running a business and it would be great if you can learn modern-day techniques and strategies. Luckily, there are many free seminars online and offline these days.
Every successful entrepreneur must be equipped with winning skills, especially when it comes to speaking, pitching, and idea-finding. Free workshops are held yearly for aspiring entrepreneurs. You just have to keep an eye out for them! Check out the latest seminar updates here: https://www.eventbrite.com/d/thailand–bangkok/business–seminars/.
In order to become a true man of business and support your flourishing dreams, you must have the basic skills for it. Bookkeeping, accounting, recording, data analysis and interpretation skills may all be acquired through free business seminars.