Before Sharaya was introduced to Network Marketing, she worked common jobs to support herself through college – she worked at the front desks of various organizations and served coffee as a barista in a coffee shop. However, serving coffee and answering the phone was not something Sharaya wanted to do for her entire life. Her dream was to make an impact on our world that could help people move in a positive direction in their lives, however, Sharaya could not figure out how she could do that and – at the same time – be financially independent. So, how did she get to the point where she is today? In the text below, you will be able to read about how Sharaya’s burning desire helped her to become a public speaker, life strategist, and co-founder of a company. Let’s take a closer look:
After she finished her high school, Sharaya had to start working in order to support herself through college. However, she did struggle with staying fit and healthy, since she worked full-time and went to college at the same time – hence, she basically lived on whatever was convenient – empty calories and coffee. Sharaya constantly felt uncomfortable in her own skin, and that is when she decided to make dietary changes and she began going to the gym five days a week. However, she did not see any major improvement, but instead small ones that she was not satisfied with.
When she turned 21, she decided to make a lifestyle change and implement Isagenix products. After taking the products for a few days, she noticed that her energy levels had improved. At last, she had the mental clarity to support her life-long goals. As her wedding approached, she wanted to slim-down. She lost and successfully kept off 25 pounds, as well as drop three dress sizes. Since then, Sharaya has continued to make healthy lifestyle choices, hence, she never regained the 25 pounds she lost before her wedding.
She often states that there are several of her achievements that she cherishes the most. These achievements include being a philanthropist and author, having an eight-figure sales organization, being a speaker, and she loves empowering women through her mindset mentorship programs.
Currently, Sharaya is operating her company Team Rebalance alongside her husband, Jared Maples. Together they successfully serve over 30.000 people in achieving the health and wellness goals. They do this by offering them health solutions that are specifically created for people from all walks of life and for people of all ages. Sharaya loves engaging with her audience via her social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and her website. She also loves working on her customer relationships and impacting different communities through team contribution projects and business development ideas.
As you can see, it is possible for someone to achieve what they long hoped for. In this case, Sharaya was successful in creating the life of her dreams by helping over 30.000 people with their goals – all she needed was the right vehicle.