As a growing business, it is vital that you keep costs low, but it’s also important that you make sure to avoid situations that could cost you hefty sums of money to correct. As we know, there are plenty of tech solutions out there that will save you both time and money; will protect your business and will make business operations a whole lot easier.
Since a growing business is often short on capital, and perhaps sometimes short on staff, considering convenient and cost-effective tech solutions which will help mend the gap, but unfortunately not many businesses are aware of these tools. But don’t you worry, throughout this post we will offer our recommendations on tech solutions which are sure to solve almost all of your growing business’ teething problems.
Protection from cyber attacks
As a small business, with a team that’s likely inexperienced with running a business, it is highly likely you’ll miss some incredibly important elements which could mean the difference between success and failure. It’s all good and well focusing on your product, your offering, and working hard to scale the business, but one thing you should not underestimate is the amount of damage that can be done if your business is targeted by cyber hackers. Hackers often target smaller businesses because they know they lack robust security systems due to inexperience and possibly capital too. To ensure you avoid all possible danger and huge expenses in the long run, an IT security company such as Tech Brain, should be your go to. Especially if your team lack the knowledge of IT and online protection, working with a company who specializes in it is one of the best investments you could possibly make. There have been plenty of small business who have lost great sums of money either due to stolen data or through attacks which have affected their ability to work. In more serious cases, some business have been so affected by cyber-attacks, it has meant complete failure of the business!
Automated call assistant
If you have a small team, or are perhaps understaffed, don’t let that affect the way in which your business runs! There are tech solutions to every ‘problem’ believe it or not! An automated call assistant is just one solution to being unable to handle the flow of calls, or unable to employ someone to assist with it. An automated call assistant will be able to answer calls and offer customer service without you or a member of your team having to deal with it. Automated means handing over the responsibility to software with voice response capabilities which offers a variety of choices and solutions to the caller.
Skype for Business
Skype makes business operations a whole lot easier! If your team is spread out across different geographical locations, Skype is a fantastic solution to strengthening communication and collaboration. It’s also a great place to communicate outside of ‘personal’ communication apps; keeping things strictly business. Skype will also offer you the opportunity to hold group calls, video and group text chats all of which completely changes the game for business big and small, but especially for those small startup businesses which don’t even have an office yet! Skype is also one of the most cost-effective ways of communicating – Skype to Skype calls are completely free! And, because it is a Microsoft tool, it syncs with your Microsoft office program, meaning less hassle, and of course, it’s user friendly.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the future of business and if you haven’t implemented it yet, then you are not only missing out on great operational benefits such as space saving, but you’re also risking the safety of your data.
Cloud computing ‘cuts out’ expensive servers and on-site software as well as reducing the amount of hardware within your office – and this is because almost everything is saved and can be accessed on a ‘cloud’. What this really means is that everything (all your data) will be shifted from the ‘hard copy’, or from files stored on a server or PC, for example, and be transferred to a place (the cloud), which can be accessed at any time, wherever they may be, and by anyone who has been given access.
This approach improves efficiency as it’s not limited to one location. But, more than that, it offers stronger security capabilities (just imagine a fire broke out in your office – your data is likely to be lost), but if you have implemented cloud computing, data is completely safe.