Passionate About My Planner

    The Passion Planner is a holy-grail staple product for the busy, working individual.  It’s the go to place you can store all of your thoughts,  important notes, short and long-term goals, and great ideas so you are always well-organized and at the top of your game. The Passion Planner is like no other organizer I’ve ever owned before and trust me, I’ve owned a bunch of them… Silly me, I always attempt to be on the brink of organization.

    photo-originalWith a sleek, unique style and charming designs mixed in with professionalism, this planner is a total game-changer and lifestyle necessity. The Passion Planner was created with two goals in mind: to encourage efficient planning for your future while reflecting on your past and acting on the present. We all know how stressful and overwhelming a day at work, school, or perhaps even both can be; not to mention all the other daunting tasks that we must address on a daily basis. When life happens, The Passion Planner is a promise to alleviate stress and make your days seem easier.  

    I know what you’re thinking, “Why would I consider buying a seemingly traditional planner when I have my smart phone right in my pocket?” Good question but let’s think of it this way; we live and breathe on and through our phones. It’s not very often you see a person without their phone in their hand or by their side, ever. Consider it a distraction with notifications, beeps, alerts, and messages all day long. When you’re focus is constantly interrupted by text messages or phone calls that can last a few minutes to a couple hours, how are you expected to devote all of your attention to important tasks? Having to switch from one app. to another between notes, mail, trackers or calendars ultimately drives you to be ineffective in where you direct your attention. No more wasting time!

    With so many things going on through the day, like managing work and juggling a personal life, we rely heavily on either a phone or a computer to help us get the job done. It may seems like the most efficient and helpful thing that we can do for ourselves but I can assure you that that is far from the truth.

    Oftentimes, people need to take a little break and navigate themselves away from technology in order to truly process something. The Passion Planner can be your getaway, a place where you can unclutter your mind and allow yourself to focus on the present moment and the task at hand.  

    I genuinely love this planner! It will provide enough structure for a solid starting point while still permitting plenty of room for customization. The layout mimics a “passion roadmap” which will help you create a step-by-step game plan for reaching your goals. Individuals can map out objectives by aligning a wish list for themselves and a timeline breakdown of 3 months, one year, and up to 3 years. This can have a strong, positive impact on one’s life. There are also daily and weekly initiatives you can establish for yourself as a tool to stay on track.

    Something that personally stood out to me was the inspirational quotes to keep me motivated each week. You know how sometimes you can get overwhelmed with the things happening around you and you just get in a bad mood or feel down? Well, when I look at My Passion Planner, it not only boosts my productivity but also helps me ground myself in times of heavy stress. 

    Although time management methods have evolved so much over the past, one thing remains the same, being organized can help you save money, time, and a whole lot of frustration. With technology at our finger-tips, it is easy to get caught up in the things that are not necessarily priorities like texting, checking Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    It’s no surprise when things don’t get done.  People always blame it on not having enough time. “OMG! I have so much to do and I have no time to do it all,” is a phrase often spoken.

    By tracking your responsibilities all in one place, you will be able to pay your bills on time, make appointments and overall have a well-planned and organized schedule. Life really can be much easier.


    • Joselin Estevez

      Social Media Director

      Social Media Director at X Factor Media

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