Human Bodies Are More Than a Collection of Vital Organs and Extremities

    Your Body Is a Universe: There Are More Life Forms Inside of You than There Are People on the Planet

    One might pay little attention to this fact, but every person living on this planet is a separate and fully autonomous ecosystem. There are millions of microorganisms inhabiting our skin, hair, intestines, nasal, and oral cavities. Microscopic bacteria are found in practically every organ of a human body.

    Supposedly, students of medical educational establishments would tell you a lot about countless inhabitants that we live in a harmonious symbiosis with; for the years of study, they’ve been given plenty of tests and high school essay assignments on biology.

    However, by far, not everyone’s got a chance to study the very depths of the medical sphere. Luckily, this category of people can always search for a subject of their interest online and find enough content to expand their knowledge and the comprehension of the new material.

    Fact #1: Human Genome

    One of the peculiar facts about microscopic inhabitants is that we share our bodies with more than 90 trillion of various bacteria and microbes. Nearly 8% of human genome structure consists of constituents that are very similar to viruses. These self-replicating pieces of DNA are considered to be the life forms that have invaded humankind at the very dawn of its era. The fact they have successfully made their way up to nowadays is a miracle in itself.

    Fact #2: Harmonious Coexistence

    Thinking that all the alien-looking bacteria are unwelcome guests in our bodies is an erroneous way of accepting reality. These “invaders” form up to 90% of living cells in a human organism. Few know that salmonella, which is known for causing food poisoning effect, can actually live on a skin for decades with no ill effects to its host. Same refers to Staphylococcus aureus, which can only carry a threat to the organism when the immune system turns weak.

    Fact #3: Places of Bacteria Concentration

    The greatest amount of bacteria is concentrated around hair follicles and sweat glands. Naturally, if no proper hygiene is provided they can cause acne and other skin disorders in these areas. That is why it is of great importance to pay a raised attention to the places of their concentration when using personal hygiene products. Proper care of yourself can prevent you from plenty of troubles.

    Fact #4: Number of Bacteria Species in the Human Gut

    Did you know that the human gut alone contained 4.5 pounds of bacteria? Microscopic life forms known as E.coli appear to be the most numerous in the gastrointestinal tract yet, by far, not the only ones. There are nearly 500 species of microbes found inside the gut.

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    Fact #5: 90% of Our Essence Is Formed by Microbes

    In accordance with scientists’ opinion, human beings are actually only 10% humans; the rest of our essence is formed by microbes. As biologists point out, humanity would not survive long without a symbiosis with microorganisms: these life forms protect us from the infection caused by pathogens or bad bacteria, as some might call them. As an example of such a protection one could take captive animals that are usually bred to have no bacteria. Observations have proven that they are subject to infections to a much higher degree compared to wild animals.

    Fact #6: Benefit of Probiotics

    It should be stressed that those who regularly consume probiotic yogurt do a huge favor to themselves. By doing so, they boost the effect of the good bacteria that are found in our bodies. Despite the fact the major part of these microbes are transitory (they simply pass through the organism without colonizing it) some of them still manage to “stay” and do their work.

    Fact #7: Bacteria and Immune System

    Bacteria in the digestive system serve to supply us with needed vitamins and minor constituents, such as vitamin K and biotin. These elements of nutrition appear to be an important and integral part of the overall work of the immune system.

    Fact #8: Microbes Can Help with Obesity Treatment

    Scientists claim that microbial diversity in the digestive system might help prevent obesity and assist in fighting a whole variety of other diseases like asthma, diabetes, allergies, etc. As some experts point out, obese people usually have a lower richness of bacteria compared to slim ones and, thus, are more likely to gain extra weight.

    Fact #9: Skin Protection

    The variety of bacteria that are found on a human skin is represented by 200 separate species. The main task of this complex “security system” is to keep other microbes from invading the environment, which is already occupied. Owing to such an effective protection our skin is less frequently subject to harmful bacteria effect.

    Fact #10: You Can Change Bacteria if Needed

    According to the recent scientific findings, bacteria inside our bodies can be changed! One, surely, can’t improve his or her genome, but the diversity of bacteria that is present in a particular body could still be altered. Thus, if one suffers from a disease caused by a separate microorganism, he/she could be treated by changing the existing variety of microbes.

    By New Theory Contributor


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