The cost of power consumption in modern businesses is huge in almost all countries of the world. According to the Energy Management Survey 2019, power consumption constitutes about 10% to 15% of the total operational cost of the businesses. In this survey, more than 43% of the people believe that the cost of energy consumption will increase in the future.
In such circumstances, it is very imperative to have control over the energy cost by using it very efficiently. Automated use of electric appliances at home and office can reduce the cost of electric bills. You can use a build operate transfer (BOT) model of business operation to implement new process automation technologies, especially in the field of power consumption and office automation.
Meanwhile, by using apps to track energy usage and following the tips to make energy efficient workplace, you can save a substantial amount of cost on energy consumption.
Importance of Energy Consumption in Business
According to the information released by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average cost of commercial bill in the country is $654.71 per month. In certain states, the average energy bill is in thousands of dollars. Another important study suggests that by using home and office energy control systems, you can save up to 13% cost on the energy bills, that means, the importance of energy consumption and the energy control programs is very high in businesses. The higher energy consumption reduces the prospects of your business success and the efficient use of energy consumption will increase the profit margins of your businesses.
The second biggest reason for startup failure is the cash crunch due to recurring charges, according to the CB Insights research report. The role of energy cost is one of the major constituents of this reason. So, it is very critical for all types of businesses to maintain energy sustainability, which is very useful not only for business but also for the natural environment.
Why to Control Energy Consumption?
There are many good reasons to limit energy consumption at home and office by using the latest technologies that can help you make your energy usage more efficient and automated. Energy is the most fundamental component that drives the development and growth in the world. There are two fundamental aspects of controlling energy consumption 1) commercial aspect 2) environment aspect. The most common reasons from the above aspects to control energy consumption as listed below.
- Saving a substantial amount of money on energy bills like electricity, gas, and petroleum
- Increase the profit margins of your business and reduce the operational cost
- Increase air pollution quality by reducing the use of energy
- Reduces the use of fossil fuels to control the emission of greenhouse gases
- Reduction in the global warming phenomenon
- Helping the conservation of the environment
- Saving the habitat destruction
- And much more
To achieve the above-mentioned desirable benefits of controlling energy consumption, we can use different types of approaches and technologies as mentioned below.
- Using energy controlling apps for real-time energy consumption tracking
- Using natural sunlight in green building designs
- Using renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, and hydro
- Using the appliances that are certified under the Energy Star Program
- Using advanced bulbs that consume less energy
- Using smart sensors for cooling, heating, and lighting
Top 5 Energy Saving Applications
With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) concept of technology, the use of mobile applications has increased substantially in home, office, and industrial automation applications. The Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) is cruising with the total global market revenue of about $1.6 trillion. This alliance focuses on the sensor-based appliances that can be integrated into the IoT network and controlled by mobile apps.
Let’s have a look at the top 5 energy saving applications that are the most popular in the present marketplace.
#1 Energy Cost Calculator
There are many software programs that are used as to measure energy apps. Among such apps, Energy Cost Calculator is one of the most popular software application extensively used for the energy saving purpose. This application is designed for both iOS and Android platforms. It is available in both free as well as a paid version with additional features. You can calculate daily, weekly, monthly, and annual cost of energy. You can also set the targets of your energy use. This application alerts you about the current status of power consumption in your office or home. This application also calculates the value of CO2 gas emission volume to make you aware of the impact of the energy that you use on our environment.
#2 JouleBug App
This is an energy saving cum social interactive application on the power saving and energy consumption in an office or home. You can also add multiple participants to make them aware of the energy saving and the impact of energy consumption on the environment. It is a powerful energy saving app used by thousands of customers. Joulebug is a fun application with great features and capabilities. This application also offers the opportunities to join the challenges to make our environment greener and win prizes at the national level too. This application helps you calculate, save, and share the energy-related statistics, and also motivates the people to adopt energy saving at home and office. This application is available in both iOS and Android versions.
#3 Energy Tracker
This application is capable of monitoring, analyzing, and calculating the impact of the energy consumed in different shapes such as gas, electricity, cooling, heating, and other forms. This application is very popular for the iOS platform. It is also available for the Android platform. It is available for free to download and use with the limited features. You can pay little charges for the additional features. This application is available in multiple languages. It records the complete readings of the energy meters and analyzes energy consumption and its impact.
#4 Smart Thermostat
This application is available in multiple versions suitable for different types of thermostats commonly used in the heating systems. This application allows you to set and track the thermostat conditions for your heating systems at home or office. You can adjust your target energy bills and keep a track of annual consumption. You can use it remotely to control the heating systems at home or office. It is available for both Android and iOS systems.
#5 Energy Watchdog
Energy Watchdog is an online energy consumption management platform. It is a cloud-based service starting from just a few dollars per month. This application is able to track all types of utility and household systems remotely. You can access your online energy consumption from anywhere in the world. It supports numerous utility provider companies. It offers great features and capabilities such as easy and intuitive interface, deep analysis, professional reporting and much more.
Future of Energy Control Technologies
The future of energy consumption control technologies is very bright. The entire world is focusing on green energy to cap the emission of greenhouse gases. With the advent of IoT things, the sensor-based energy control systems will continuously grow during many years to come. The software applications will remain at the core of this growth.
Final Takeaway
Energy saving is becoming a standard cum responsibility idea for the businesses as well as for society. The advanced energy economy is cruising. Newer technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, and industrial automation powered by software applications are influencing the use of energy extensively. Hundreds of energy saving applications are emerging in the marketplace to help you save energy. Top 5 software applications mentioned in length in this article.