Landing a job is a difficult enough task under normal circumstances – and the times we live in can hardly be classified as “normal” by any metric. Financial, social and political upheaval have all but guaranteed that the business world is in a constant state of disarray at best and distress at worst. This means that recruiters will be under even more pressure to select the best people for the job.
”We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” That old saying is attributed to Aristotle, and it still rings true to this day. With this in mind, here are six habits that will help you in your pursuit of excellence.
Get Organized
Long periods of idleness, lockdowns, and lack of direct supervision can contribute to a lapse in motivation and discipline. It’s easy to lose your focus and productivity under the circumstances at present – which is an extremely undesirable state of affairs.
The current climate of vicious competition has ensured you will need an incredibly well-polished CV to impress HRs if you are to have a shot at employment. A good CV writing service can help you do that with ease, but if you want to get a job in 2021, you will need perseverance and determination as well.
With this in mind, it is important that you dedicate time and energy to develop or re-invent your organizational skills. “Try to put your life on track” is sound advice, but it’s often easier said than done. However, time and resource management are cornerstones of productivity – and companies value these qualities highly.
So if you haven’t done so already, make absolutely sure you establish a daily routine and set it in stone. Dedicate certain parts of the day to relevant activities, and be disciplined about keeping to your schedule. Don’t let working time, home maintenance time, and downtime bleed into each other, as that’s a sure-fire way to get burned out.
Furthermore, make lists about everything. List your groceries, daily activities, tasks, ongoing jobs, contact details – everything. Having instant access to all the most relevant information on the things that you need to do, or people you can turn to is a great motivator and is conducive to productivity.
Brush up on Your Tech Skills
Everyone needs a bit of downtime once in a while – and not getting any slack here and there can have horrendous results on both your physical and mental health. However, just because you’re enjoying time off from work and chores doesn’t mean that you need to be unproductive.
Downtime is the perfect time to brush up on your tech skills. Do so at your own pace, and pick a subject that doesn’t put you under extra pressure. Get reacquainted with a piece of software you haven’t used in ages. Check the newest features of a virtual platform, or piece of software. Learn how to use an entirely new product for something that’s appealing to you – photo manipulation or communication, for instance.
In short – do something tech-related in your downtime. Every bit of technical know-how will be plus on your CV.
Minimize Technological Distractions
We are constantly bombarded with appealing sensations by the world of social media, the internet, and even TV. Distancing yourself from all of that is going to be tricky, but it is a good idea. Suffice it to say that there’s a good reason why people like Bill Gates severely restrict the time their children spend online, and Tim Cook advises against letting your kids use social media.
Technological distractions of all types exacerbate society’s issues related to focus, motivation, and mental health. Making a habit of avoiding technological distraction and not giving into its myriad temptations is crucial in 2021.
Invest Effort in Introspection
Reviewing your actions and achievements is another habit that can help you grow as a person and be more successful in both your personal and professional life. Business process management and optimization are all the rage with companies – take the idea and implement it when it comes to your personal life. Invest time in deliberating over your tasks – are you happy with the results? What could you do to improve the process or the end product? What could you do differently?
As cheesy as that may sound, try to be constructive and positive about your introspection. What are you grateful for? What do you look forward to? Those kinds of thoughts will keep you fresh and motivated to better yourself.
Focus on the Achievable
This links neatly with the point on discipline and the argument for introspection. Try to ease yourself into tasks in a way that’s not conducive to failure. Break larger, daunting-looking tasks into clearly defined smaller ones and pursue those with discipline and determination. Your habit of doing so will appeal to any worthwhile employer.
Devote Time to Networking
Lockdowns and social distancing aren’t really conducive to building positive relationships for most people. However, it’s important to remember that while these hindrances have made networking rather difficult, they haven’t rendered it obsolete. Having the right connections is still the key to success – so don’t stop building them. Dedicate a portion of your schedule to networking. Consider it an investment into future success, and treat it with the seriousness such an effort deserves.