Conveyor Systems Benefits Revealed

    Think about a large manufacturing unit where an insane number of objects need to move around. Would you prefer to handle those objects manually or look for a mechanism that can move objects or packages around with minimum human intervention? 

    That is the point where a conveyor system comes into action. Conveyor systems are an important part of mechanical handling equipment in different industries to move goods, raw materials, products or other objects from one place to another within the premises or building of an industrial unit. 

    It has been predicted that by the end of 2027, conveyor systems market will hit to USD7.43 billion. These expectations are enough to develop an understanding of how conveyor systems from suppliers like Mainway Handling Systems and others will be helping in the automation process of industries. Let’s see how beneficial these conveyor systems are: 

    Nonstop Workflow 

    In large industries, where a product completes a cycle of production and goes through different processes or stages, it’s a complete waste of time when goods are being moved from one place to another, manually or with the help of a forklift.  

    It will also break the flow of work as only a limited number of products or materials can be moved around. Large manufacturing units need a continuous supply of materials and that cannot be done in one loading and unloading.  

    Conveyor systems help in the automation of this process. Once you load something on the system, you don’t have to break the chain as goods will be moved to every section of the industrial unit and will pass through systematically from all production sites with minimum human effort. 

    Moves in All Directions 

    In many industries, materials and production don’t go through a process for a single time. They need to pass through a stage or machine multiple times. Just like in the car manufacturing industry, the paint job cannot be done in one go and units need to go move back and forth again and again. 

    If this has to be done manually, imagine the workforce and time you need to use to move products. Conveyor systems can be controlled by one individual and systems can be easily designed to take a product back to the previous machine if it needs multiple modifications.  

    Moreover, the speed of moving the materials or product can be controlled. It is possible that in the manufacturing process, different parts take different time to perform relevant actions and speed of delivering the material to each part can be controlled accordingly. 

    No Vertical and Horizontal Limits 

    Nowadays, manufacturing units try to avail maximum advantage of space they have and that’s why they construct multiple levels in manufacturing plants and each level has to perform a different part of the production process.  

    Still, it is relatively easy to move goods on a single floor but it becomes more hectic when you need to transport the items on multiple floors. Here, a manufacturing unit will fail to achieve maximum productivity. 

    Conveyor systems have no expansion limits. Expand it from the start till the end of a floor or expand it to from the bottom to the top floor. It has the ability to transport items on every floor in a lean position.  

    Minimum Human Error and Low Workplace Injuries 

    A study shows that 23% of unexpected downtimes in manufacturing are caused by human errors. A minor error in manual handling of goods can cause severe production delays.  

    Conveyor systems not only facilitate the speedy transportation of materials and products but also reduce human error by minimizing workforce intervention in the transportation of items.


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