If you have bought or sold a home in recent years, then you know how difficult it is to find the right real estate agent for you. There is more choice than ever before which, although a good thing for prospective homeowners, can also make it overwhelming and hard to find what you are looking for.
In your searches you may have come across Compass Real Estate, but did you look into exactly what different services they offer? Many people do not realize the extensiveness of their range of services! Check out this article about Compass and read ahead to find out more about what they can do for you.
Is it a pyramid scheme?
Many people hold back from companies they are unfamiliar with for fear that they may be drawn into a pyramid scheme but thankfully Compass Real Estate is a legitimate business. It is a brokerage for real estate agents, and it operates almost exclusively online but has offices throughout the US. The notion of Compass being a pyramid scheme may come from the fact that the estate agents who work for them earn a commission when they make a sale, but this extra pay is simply a reflection of their hard work.
Compass and technology
One way in which Compass has been able to stand out from the crowd and set it apart from its competitors is its commitment to the utilization of technology. They combine years of real estate experience and knowledge with top-quality tech experts in order to create a cutting-edge program that makes it easier than ever to buy or sell your property. Their user-friendly platform ensures smooth communication between all parties involved and helps you to truly visualize your dream home.
Their services
You can buy, sell and rent with their agents so you can make use of Compass’ services wherever in the process you are currently at – no matter what, there is a service suitable for you. But they are more than just a brokerage, they also offer bespoke concierge services in which your chosen agent can help you to renovate your property before you put it on the market so you can get the best price possible for your home. You will not need to pay an upfront fee or any interest for these renovations.
Their approach to real estate
A major problem with the real estate business is that agents are often so concerned with making the sale that they fail to treat you like a human being. Compass prides itself on how they differ from standard estate agents in that they always focus on the client and their needs – they want every buyer to be able to find a property that feels like home in a neighborhood that they love. Although they operate mostly online, their online offices mean their agents have extensive knowledge of the areas that they work in which they can use to provide you with the best possible service.