A Guide to Customizing Name Tags

    Name tags are more versatile than you could ever think of as they can be used for a variety of purposes. The primary function of name tags stays the same in all those functions, that is to convey a piece of information, but the type of information carried by the tag varies. Name tags can be made from a variety of materials such as metal, wood, glass, plastic; tags being used in different places need to be made of a specific material to serve the purpose best and should have the proper style for respective functions. Custom Name Tags should be customized on these guidelines.

    • Material: There is a different material that is best for different places. Plastic name tags and badges are best for the identification of employees. Plastic is a light and durable material that can be easily and comfortably worn by employees. For name badges to be displayed on rooms or for signs, metal can be used for indoors at it provides a sleek and sophisticated look; plastic is best for outdoor signs as it is not bothered by exposure to the elements. Wooden name tags can be used as key chains and for employees that need to pass through metal detectors often; it gets problematic when the employees have to take off their badge every time they pass into a metal detector. Glass is good for desk signs as they are heavy and aesthetically pleasing. Glass desk signs can also be used as makeshift paperweights. 
    • Mounting Options: Name tags can have magnetic, pin or pocket clips to attach them to the surface you want. For employee name badges, the pocket clip or pin would do. The magnetic mounting option can be used for tags or signs that are often changed, they can be attached to any metal surface instantly. Name tags can also be glued when they are supposed to stay at a place permanently.
    • Simple Print or Engraving: Name tags that are simply printed are usually not made for long life or for durability. The print is likely to be rubbed off or scratched off the name tag in some time. For tags that are likely to be in rough and tough conditions such as outdoor signs and key chains, engraving can be done on metal, wood tags. Tags that are made for pets such as dogs are specially engraved metal tags so the tag is not damaged easily.

    Other Variables: Lanyard name tags with plastic covering are best for events and photo identification cards. These tags can be worn around the neck and can be easily taken on or off, they are excellent for the identification of participants at events and also for long term use.  Lanyard name cards have the ability to be personalized fully according to the needs of the customer. The shape and color of the name tags are up to you, you can customize the tag to any shape you like and with the finish of your choice. Braille tags are a need for every professional firm so they can cater to every part of the community.


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