Although guys may think that us girls get all dolled up to grab their attention, more and more I’m realizing that it’s actually the opposite.
Fashion designer Betsey Johnson said it herself — “Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys they’d just walk around naked at all times” — and I’m thinking that the girl’s got a point.
When it comes to what’s trendy for girls, most guys have not got a clue — our idea of a bomb outfit can come off as just straight up bizarre to them. But, do we care? Not one bit.
Here are 7 trends that guys don’t get, but us girls just can’t get enough of:
1. Dutch Braid Pigtails
Dutch braid pigtails are EVERYTHING; and being I have no idea how to do them myself, I envy every girl I see with them. But, boys probably think it makes us look like we’re back in fourth grade… and I’m sure half-up, half-down does the same.
2. High-Waisted Anything
It doesn’t matter if it’s pants, shorts, skirts, or even bathing suits — guys have no clue when it comes to high-waisted ANYTHING. Not only do they think we’re wearing “mom jeans,” but they also think our butts look weird. C’mon guys, get a grip.
3. Chokers
The ’90s are back and chokers are back with it, and boys could not be any more confused. Is it a necklace? Is it a dog collar? They’re not so sure… #SendHelp
4. Boyfriend Jeans
If there’s one thing that just doesn’t mix, it’s boys and boyfriend jeans. They’ll ask questions like “why are your jeans so loose?” and “aren’t those a little baggy?” Yes, yes they are. It’s called fashion, fellas.
5. Bright Lipstick
In the summer especially, most girls cannot get enough of bright lipstick, and guys cannot wait to get away from it. While it may look super cute on us, all they’re thinking is how not cute it’ll look smeared all over them. Point taken.
6. Headwraps
While head wraps are amongst the cutest of hair accessories, they are not understood by men in the slightest. Keep rocking ’em ladies, but don’t be surprised if your man asks “what’s on your head?” Guys… they just don’t get it!
7. Buns
For us girls, buns are a saving grace, because let’s be real: ain’t nobody got time to always do their hair. However, guys aren’t as much about the #BunLife as we are. I have one guy friend in particular who hates buns so much, that if we’re about to hangout and my hair’s in one, I warn him. #ApologiesInAdvance #SorryNotSorry
What’s one trend that you’ll never stop rocking regardless if a guy likes it or not?
(Images: Tumblr)