Hozier took us to church, but Annie lifted us up to the Heavens! She reinvigorated what was proving to be a lackluster 2015 Grammy’s. Here are some reasons why Annie exudes awesomeness:
1. She knows how to play a hand harmonica. That alone deserves a Grammy!

2. “Androgynous Beauty” – who else can be described like that?

3. Jesus walked on water, but Annie can walk on broken glass. #AnnieWins

4. She uses her stellar, unmistakable voice to campaign for Africa’s HIV/Aids victims.

5. Her steadfast loyalty to the peroxide pixie cut.

(Honorable mention: She was briefly married to a German Hare Krishna monk. According to The Guardian, the monk stole her heart by leaving vegetarian dishes outside her door while on tour. Sounds like a Meg Ryan movie to me!)