4 Types of Content You Should Be Using Today To Accelerate Your Business

    These are 4 types of content you should be using today in order to win online.

    We live in an incredibly busy world as there is an appetite for content, but it has to be served up at the right time, right place and in the right medium. The written word is important; however, other forms of media are critical to getting your message out. If you have a blog, that is a great start, but you’ll want to employ other tactics and mediums to get the word out.

    1) Infographics

    We love Infographics as they provide the opportunity to share information using visual assets to get the story across to your audience. As a case studies have shown, Infographics have demonstrated to have both an SEO and a Public Relations benefit when they are rolled out correctly. Dr. Douglas S. Steinbrech, NYC, and LA-based Plastic Surgeon put together an Infographic to create awareness about Men’s Plastic Surgery released to the media as part of his ongoing efforts. As a result, it was picked up by major media outlets like Babble, Business Insider and SF Gate garnered over 10 million media impressions. Immediately put Dr. Steinbrech on the map as a subject matter expert in the space and provided media worth tens of thousands of dollars if he were to buy ads to reach the same audience.

    2) Podcasting

    Setting up a podcast may sound intimidating, but it’s much easier than you think. If you have a MAC or PC, Skype and way to record you should be good to go. Why start a podcast? For starters, it will give you a chance to interview interesting people related to your niche as they will be more than happy to join as they get press and you get some great content. The goal is to establish yourself as an expert, and a podcast is a great way to start. Jeremy Ryan Slatestarted his podcast after listening to EO Fire and other podcasts and now has reached over 200,000 downloads. He is building his brand while meeting with potential clients every day.

    3) Video

    You don’t need to Fellini to put together videos; you simply need an iPhone or Samsung and record yourself discussing topics relating to your space. We follow Dr. Philip J. Miller, as he posts videos covering Rhinoplasty procedures content not only on YouTube but also Instagram as they host videos for a minute or less. No editing is needed as you should go live to tape as you can discuss topics that are in your niche. Videos will allow you to broaden your audience organically while solidifying yourself as an expert in your respective space.

    4) Quote Cards

    Quote cards can are used as sources of inspiration. They can quickly be put together using various apps and posted on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. You can utilize your own quotes or those of famous people. Be sure to watermark your quotes as you will get credit for when they are shared. RARI Nutrition an up and coming Nutraceutical company utilizes quote cards as sources of inspiration for their growing social media campaign as not all supplement users are “gym fanatics”, many people need that extra piece of motivation to get them going. and RARI is happy to supply that source of motivation.

    These are 4 ways to get your message out easily without breaking the bank. If you’re not using any of these four mediums, I recommend you to start today or you competition will.


    • Tom La Vecchia

      Founder of New Theory & X Factor Media

      Founder and Publisher of New Theory Magazine and Podcast. Serial Entrepreneur who loves wine, cigars and anything that allows to people to connect and share experiences.

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