4 Things to Consider in Formation Continue

    Formation continue, also known as service training or vocational education, offers a way for people to work in various industries like in a trade, craft, or as a technician. It is considered a practical approach to learning since you get to learn the skills necessary for a job and practice it. Several career fields and industries offer this educational model such as health care, office management, computer technology, and skilled trades.

    Whether you’re fresh out of high school or a professional who’s looking for a career change, you can learn a brand-new set of skills through vocational education. It is essential that you research first about what formation continue is all about and the benefits you can gain with it.

    Here are a few things you ought to take note of if you want to pursue this type of training:

    1. There are Different Providers

    If traditional education has plenty of schools and universities, there are several providers of vocational training as well. One of the leading training providers is formation continue cegep which offers different courses on various industries like accounting and finance, transport and supply, information technology, office management, human resources, and other specialized training.

    These are some questions you need to ask when picking a provider:

    • Is the course you want available in their program?
    • Is the provider licensed or accredited?
    • What is the total estimated cost for the course I will take?
    • Can I get financial aid for the program?
    • What other services does the provider offer its students?
    • What are the school’s completion and job placement rates?
    • How well did previous students succeed in their chosen industries?

    These questions will guide you in choosing which provider you want to go with.

    1. Several Industries

    This type of training provides an alternative career path for individuals who want to gain fresh knowledge in a particular industry. Vocational careers are occupations that accept educational attainment that’s less than a bachelor’s degree. With the ever-evolving job landscape, it’s beneficial for you to stay updated on advancements in technology and the processes involved in your chosen industry.

    These are a few of the vocational clusters you can choose from:

    • Health Sciences
    • Business Management and Administration
    • Finance
    • Architecture and Construction
    • Government and Public Administration
    • Marketing
    • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM
    • Information Technology
    • Human Services
    • Hospitality and Tourism
    • Public Safety and Security
    • Education
    1. Costs Less than Traditional Education

    Since you can complete your vocational training in a lesser amount of time than in college, you can save money on the tuition fee and other costs such as your accommodation and transportation fare if you lived away from the school. Another significant advantage is that you get to join the workforce sooner, which means you earn income earlier.

    These are the different ways that you can fund your vocational education:

    • Federal Financial Aid – Check with your school’s financial aid specialists about possible government-granted student loans and scholarships that you can use for your training.
    • Veteran’s Benefit – For older people who served in the army and want to learn new skills, ask around if you are eligible to use your veteran’s benefit to fund your vocational training.
    • Part-Time Job – You can get more flexibility regarding your schedule with this type of learning model. Confirm your program with the training provider and apply for part-time jobs that can accommodate your free time.
    • Private Scholarships – Some organizations allocate funds for helping students with education costs. Do your research about possible grants online and their requirements.
    • Bank Loans – Banks and other lenders can give you cash loans that you can use for your education, but these may have high-interest rates and shorter repayment plans.
    1. Economic and Social Benefits

    Vocational education can prepare fresh graduates for their first foray into the world of employment and provides additional training for those already working. Those who are unemployed or are planning to shift careers can also benefit from this educational model. It can also assist individuals who are considered marginal and out of the mainstream workforce.

    The benefits of vocational education can be classified into three categories, each with economic and social advantages:

    • Micro – This level pertains to the benefits you gain as an individual with vocational education. Economic gains include career development and earnings while social gains are life satisfaction and motivation.
    • Meso – The meso level refers to what enterprises and groups can get from this model. Economic gains are improved firm performance and increased employee productivity. A significant social benefit, on the other hand, is the inclusion of disadvantaged or marginal groups.
    • Macro – The macro level talks about the advantages for society as a whole. Vocational education can lead to economic growth as well as social cohesion.


    A primary advantage of formation continue is equipping you with practical skills that are valuable for your future career. Plus, you invest lesser time in school which allows you to join the workforce more quickly than traditional academic programs. Just make sure to do your research if this educational model works for your learning style.
