Earning a certification from a world famous IT company such as Microsoft empowers you to build secure networks while hunting for work, and thus it makes you prominent among other competitors. And if you’re interested in building your career in the Power BI domain, then the Microsoft 70-778 exam is made just for you. For this test, the candidates must have a clear grasp of how to utilize Power BI to perform data analysis and be able to customize visual data with Microsoft Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service.
Microsoft 70-778: Details + Topics
It is important to mention that Microsoft 70-778 leads you to the award of the MCSA: BI Reporting certificate, in addition, it is not the only test that you need to pass for obtaining this badge. Your next step will be Microsoft 70-779. In general, the exam is intended for those individuals who want to build their career in the Power BI domain because it will show their expertise in analyzing data with both Excel and Power BI.
Going back to the Page 70-778 exam, it is ideal for those students who perform the manipulation of data in any organization. They may also have some experience while working as the Power BI specialists before attempting this certification test and have a firm grip over the following:
- Microsoft Excel;
- Microsoft SQL Server;
- SQL Azure;
- SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS);
- Office 365.
- Microsoft MS-101 Dumps
- https://www.certbolt.com/ms-101-dumps
If you are not sure that you will be able to cover the technologies mentioned above, you may start with the MTA certification and then proceed to this associate-level credential.
The applicants will have to attempt 40-60 multiple-choice questions within 120 minutes. To pass this exam, they must score 700 or more points on a scale of 1000. Furthermore, right after the test, the learners will be able to view their results. While preparing for Microsoft 70-778, make sure that you understand the following topics:
- Modeling and Visualizing Data (45-50%);
- Transforming and Consuming Data via Power BI Desktop (20-25%);
- Configuring Reports, Applications, and Dashboards in Power BI Service (25-35%).
- https://www.certbolt.com/exams-video-training/ms-101-microsoft
After each objective, there is the related percentage, which shows how many questions can be expected from that particular domain here .
Microsoft 70-778: Benefits + Registration
There are so many benefits that you can get upon the completion of the Microsoft 70-778 exam. For example, you will be able to access in-Cloud data, make direct and productive collaborations, and deal with all the required tasks. The whole program of obtaining the MCSA: BI Reporting certificate provides the candidates with the right amount of skills and expertise that is needed for the visualization, interpretation, and reporting of data by practicing Microsoft Power BI.
So, if you want to absorb all these advantages and you are ready for possible hardships, you need to register for the exam. If you have already aced its topics with the help of training courses and study guides and evaluate your level of preparedness with practice tests, you have to do the following steps:
- Visit the exam page on the Microsoft website;
- Click on the button, which states “Schedule Exam” (it will lead you to the page where you need to fill up all the required details);
- Select the exam delivery option on the Pearson VUE platform;
- At last, pay your registration fees, and you’re ready to go.
- Microsoft AZ-500 Exam Questions
- https://www.certbolt.com/ms-100-dumps
Don’t forget that you should have the Microsoft and Pearson VUE accounts for this process.
In a Nutshell
Indeed, getting any certification offered by Microsoft gives you professional knowledge and skills and acts as a ladder for your career growth. So, don’t wait any longer and start preparing for the Certbolt AZ-303 Dumps now!