In order for modern companies to do business with their customers or clients, they have to take a certain amount of personal information from them. This information can range from anything like their full name, home address, bank information, and more. And while having this information can make conducting your business much easier, it’s also your responsibility as the business to ensure that you’re able to keep this information safe and out of the hands of anyone who’d want to use it in an unlawful or unethical way. So to help you in doing this, here are three tips to help you better protect your customer or client information.
Only Collect And Keep What You Need
Keeping your customer or client information secure should be one of the top priorities of your business. We’ve all seen what can happen to the brand of a business if they get hacked and their data gets stolen. So to reduce the risk of this happening to your business, Daniel Burrus, a contributor to the Huffington Post, advises that you only collect the data that you actually need to conduct your business. Don’t ask for personal information that you don’t need or won’t use to fulfill the agreed upon business that you’re doing. When you have this information, make sure this data is stored in a secure location. And once you no longer need that data, be sure you delete and destroy it completely so it’s no longer in your hands.
Know And Follow Best Practices For Data Protection
Once you have customer or client data that you’re needing to protect, it’s wise to follow of the current best practices for data protection. According to Dan Scalco, a contributor to, this includes doing things like hiring IT professionals who specialize in data protection, using secure connections to send any personal or sensitive information, encrypting all data that you acquire, securing your servers, and having certain protocols in place for strong passwords that are changed frequently. By doing all of these things, you can feel confident that you’re doing your best to protect the information that’s been entrusted to you.
Have A Plan For If Your Data Gets Breached
Sadly, even with all these protections in place, you can still become vulnerable to an attack or a breach. While you might not like to think about this, doing a little preparation for the worst case scenario could help you if and when this should become a reality for you. According to Larry Alton, a contributor to Small Business Trends, every company should have some type of disaster plan ready to help them know what steps to take and how to respond in the event that their data protections should fail.
To help keep your business ready for anything, consider using the tips mentioned above to learn how to better protect any data you have stored.