3 Tips For Creating A New Business Logo

    If you have a business, you’ve got to have a business logo to go along with it. Ideally, a logo should be a visual representation of your business that is easy to be seen, created, and placed on all kinds of products or marketing materials. But while this little symbol might seem like it’d be easy to come up with, actually creating a business logo can be very difficult.

    To help you with this process, here are three tips for creating a new business logo. 

    Make It Your Goal To Be Unique

    To have an effective logo, people should be able to see your logo on anything—be it signs for your office or an ad on social media—and instantly recognize that it’s attached to your business. But to get this recognition, you’ve got to ensure that your logo is different from anything else out there. 

    With the sheer number of other businesses and logos out there, it can be hard to come up with something totally original. However, according to Lindsay Rothfield, a contributor to Mashable.com, your goal really should be to come up with a logo that’s unique from other logos that are out there, especially compared to your competitors or other businesses in your same industry. While this can be difficult to accomplish, if you’re able to, you could see a huge benefit to your branding and brand recognition. 

    Think About Your Mission Statement

    As you brainstorm what designs you can incorporate into your logo, Kraig Kann, a contributor to Forbes Communication Council, recommends that you use your logo as a chance to share the story of your company or the mission that you’re trying to connect to. 

    Once you have a solid mission statement that represents your business and what you’re trying to accomplish, try to think about how you can translate this messaging into a logo. While it won’t always be easy or obvious, if you’re able to do this successfully, your logo can be even more impactful. 

    Know That Your Logo Will Vary

    According to Ross Kimbarovsky, a contributor to USChamber.com, one thing that you should keep in mind as you create your company logo is that it needs to be versatile. In some instances, you might want your logo to be black and white, to include the actual name of your business, or to be blown up or shrunk down. But in order to do this, your logo has to be created in such a way that it lends itself to various iterations. Because of this, you might want to come up with a few options of the same type of logo once you settle on one that you like. 

    If you’re needing to create a new logo for your business, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you do this.

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