Travel to Italy? How to Avoid Coronaviruses

    The new coronavirus may have originated in Wuhan, China, but it’s since spread to around 40 countries across the world. Italy is currently experiencing the largest outbreak in Europe

    Are you just craving that Italian pizza, but want to avoid coronaviruses? The best advice is to avoid Italy altogether, but if you aren’t willing to give up on your vacation here are some helpful tips on how to avoid coronaviruses. 

    How to Prevent Infection?

    The disease transmits, as in colds and flu, by transmitting viruses from the respiratory of a sick person. Reduce the risk of getting respiratory infections by practicing good hand hygiene at all times. 

    People who are ill should avoid coughing or sneezing directly at others. When possible, keep at least 1-meter distance from people with symptoms. Strive to cough or sneeze in a paper towel, and throw it away afterward. 

    Good hand hygiene is important to prevent transmission of infection. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water, especially after you’ve been outside. 

    What to Expect in Italy

    The northern Italian region Lombardy is the center of the country’s outbreak. Italy has put several cities and towns in the north on lockdown, banning people from entering or leaving affected areas, suspending public events and closing attractions such as museums.

    If you’re traveling to Rome or down south in Italy, you can enjoy your Italian pizza with a good conscience. In most cases coronavirus has only caused mild illness, but cases of serious illness and death are also reported. 

    Should I Cancel My Trip to Italy?

    To avoid spreading the disease further, some governments are recommending canceling any trips to Italy that’s not absolutely necessary. Pay attention to announcements from local health officials.

    The disease infects as in colds or flu by transmitting viruses from the respiratory tract of a sick person. This can happen in three ways:

    • Through the air when the sick person is sneezing or coughing 
    • By direct contact with the sick person
    • By indirect contact when the virus has been transmitted to inventory or items

    If you’re still set on going to Italy, it can be useful to bring a hand sanitizer. Remember that alcohol-based hand rub will only remove bacteria from your hands, not viruses. The most important thing is always to wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water and try not to touch your face. 


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